♡ ennotana - single pringles ♡

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Tanaka, being the single pringle he was, just wanted a date. Sure, he had his eyes on someone specific, but since his chances were like negative 70% he figured he should probably just shoot his shot with any other single.

By the time Asahi, (carrying a grinning Noya on his back), found his way over to him, he was already sulking. He looked up at the couple upset.

"Got rejected again, bro?" Noya said, hoping off of Asahi's back who gave a sigh of relief.


"Hey, well it's okay! There's plenty of other girls out there, and even Yachi! She's cute, right?"

"Noya, I'm not gonna go for Yachi. I mean, Kiyoko would literally rip me to pieces."

"Eh.. good point. But in the homeroom, there's so many girls!"


Noya made his way over toward Tanaka, gripping his friend's shoulders.

"Bro.. got something on your mind? You seem kinda out of it."

Tanaka snapped his gaze up toward Noya. "Well, maybe. I kinda have a certain someone I'd rather date." He said, mumbling more and more as he continued the sentence. Either fortunately or unfortunately, Noya understood all of it.


"Uh- no."

"Then who is it???"

Asahi bent down to whisper something in Noya's ear. As soon as he finished, Noya lit up like a Christmas tree, shouting a very loud 'oh yeah!'.

"Okay bro! I've got to go now, but good luck getting that /special someone/!"

And with that, Noya leaped back onto his boyfriend's back, and they ran off together, somewhere towards the back of the school, Noya frantically typing something into his phone.

"Tsk. Couples."


"Sorry, man. Narita and I have a date later, but we can always go watch that movie another day."

"Yeah... Sorry, Enno!"

"It's.. okay. Aw, I really wish I had a boyfriend, too..."

"Well, what about that guy you said you liked but never gave us his name?"

"Oh.. he's... I'm pretty sure he's straight."

"Poo. Give us the name?"

Ennoshita bit his tongue. Would it be that bad to give them the name? But at the same time, they always made fun of

whenever he was doing stupid stuff, and they would probably make fun off Ennoshita for somehow falling hopelessly in love with such an idiot.

But, in the end, they were his friends. And they deserved to know. "Tanaka."

"Ha! Called it."

Just as Narita was about to say something too, there was a light 'ping' signifying someone had gotten a text. Ennoshita checked his phone, no new notifications.

"Not me."

"Not me either. Must be you, Kinoshita."

And, sure enough, when Kinoshita checked his phone, he had one new notification from Noya.

"Uh, yeah. Narita, we have to go. Bye, Enno!"



little terrifyifying child thing: eehye hey kino can u meet up w me and asaahii and me behind da school?

little terrifyifying child thing: it's ryu lol i think he likes ennoooo

me: ok, i have narita w me

Little terrifyifying child thing: ok see u


"So~ You said you think Tanaka likes Ennoshita?"

"Yep! It was actually Asahi's idea, but it makes so much sense!"

"Wait- is he even into dudes? Isn't he into Kiyoko?"

"Uh about that. He's bi."

Kinoshita grinned. He finally, finally had the chance to set his best friend up. This was also the perfectest chance - Ennoshita liked him and they were very sure he liked him back.

"Perfect! And Ennoshita kinda told us he likes Tanaka, so it's like, totally perfect!"

"It is! Also, Asahi totally already came up with a plan because he's brilliantly brilliant and hot!"

Everyone agreed on the plan, be it cliche, but a good one. Kinoshita and Narita were to text Ennoshita to meet them at a cafe at a certain time, and Noya will do the same for Tanaka.


Tanaka couldn't help it. He was curious. So of course he followed the two, quietly from a few feet behind until he ended up just around the corner to the back of the school, where he listened intently to his teammates' plans in setting him up.

Of course, they were spot on with guessing who he liked. And honestly, he wouldn't mind going to that cafe date with Ennoshita, but if everything they said was true, he might have to go with his own plan.

All this only multiplied when he made eye contact with a certain someone on the other corner, peeking their head toward the scheming group behind the school. With a random surge of confidence, he held out his phone, motioning toward it and giving him a wink.


Me: so enno.. Im not letting them steal this so ':(

Me: enno, will u go 2 da cafe w me today? As a date?

♡ enno!♡: uh YES!

Me: okokokok :) heehe tahank you you thank youuu!!

♡ enno! ♡: :) see u at 4?

Me: ofc!


Kinno: hey enno, u wanna go get coffee of smth @ 4??

Kinno: w narita 2

Me: Actually I'm busy :)

Kinno: doing what? You didn't have ny plans earlier today

Me: You'll never know ;)


NOYA BRO!: heyyy bro wanna go get coffee ;)

Me: bro im busy ;))

NOYA BRO!: cancel ur plans

NOYA BRO!: its important

Me: nah but maybe another day hehe


Short terror: so um

Short terror: bad news

Short terror: he's got plans

Me: weird

Me: enno does too 👀

Short terror: goodness what

Me: noya?

Short terror: oh sorry kinnoshita,  this is asahi!

Short terror: anyways, let's keep our plans and go get smth, we can continue planning! :)

Me: lol ok, im bringing nari

Short terror: k, me and nishi will be there! 


The cafe smelled extraordinary. As always, of course, cafes were a very happy place. So when Kinnoshita and Narita opened the door, they instantly inhaled, almost as if a reflex. Walking to the counter and ordering, they found a booth and sat down, watching Noya and Asahi repeat the same thing.

What they weren't expecting, however, was that when the bell above the door went off, and their heads turned in curiosity towards the entrance, their 'busy' friends walked in the cafe, Tanaka holding the door for Ennoshita like a gentleman.

Ennoshita thanked him, smiling, walking over to the counter, ordering, and sitting down at a window seat with Tanaka.

The nosy couples watched the other two as they smiled and laughed throughout the date. They really, really, weren't expecting the two to walk out hand in hand almost an hour later. Of course they stalked them out to Tanaka's car, where they hid behind newspapers, listening to Tanaka scream at his GPS to bring him to the movie theater. (Ennoshita was laughing, but after about 5 minutes he gave in and helped.)


bonus: the rest of the cafe was actually full of the rest of the couples from the surrounding volleyball teams that also wanted to spy on their date :)


ennotana is actually so cute whAT-
there's literally none no where so :'(

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