♡ iwaoi - ouch ♡

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i will never stop writing iwaoi ♡


Iwaizumi easily knew who his soulmate was. Normally, it would be hard to figure out who someone was based on only the pain they felt - but around 2 am in the morning, his knee would also start to hurt, bad.

Oikawa felt bad for his soulmate. He knew that whenever he stayed up until 2 in the morning straining his knee until he could barely walk, his soulmate was probably also awake and in pain. The only pain he regularly ever received from his soulmate was aches in his muscles Sunday mornings - the kind of aches you get after a heavy workout.

And, once again, it was 2 am on a Thursday night. Volleyballs were left all over the gym and he was a panting, sweaty mess. On top of all of that, his knee hurt. It hurt so bad, he collapsed onto the cold floor below him and his eyes started to water. He felt so, so bad for whoever had to put up with this pain constantly, even if they did nothing to deserve it. He only hoped that they were a heavy sleeper and would sleep through it.

The next day, Oikawa was especially sore from practicing. His teammates noticed it almost right away, the limp in his step and how he awkwardly tilted his knee. They also noticed how their strongest member was off as well. They noticed how stiff he was and how he would double over in pain for a second before trying to play it off cooly.

Oikawa noticed Iwaizumi's limp too - and he felt bad. He felt guilty and he didn't even know why. Still, if it was something of his fault or not, he figured it would be best to ask his best friend how he was.

"Iwa-chan! Are you okay? You seem to be in a lot of pain today."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just, ugh. What did I say about staying up until 2 in the morning practicing?" He grunted.

"Oh, you said not to. But I can't let little Tobio-chan get better than me! Wait," he paused and Iwaizumi froze, realizing his slip up. He wasn't ready to tell Oikawa they were soulmates yet.

"How did you-"

You see, whenever Iwaizumi had a bad headache, he would pinch the bridge of his nose. And, he was starting to develop one hell of a headache.

"Ouch!" Oikawa yelped, the bridge of his nose stinging slightly. Iwaizumi snickered slightly. Oikawa gave him so much pain that night, he was ready for payback.

He reached down and pinched his thigh, and lo behold, Oikawa screeched again, hand rushing down to put pressure where his thigh had started to ache.

"Iwa-chan, stop!"

Iwaizumi laughed. It wasn't like a small chuckle, it was full blown laughter.

"Oh boy, Oikawa. I know because I'm magical."

"Magical my butt."




its suuuper short but this was the best ship to fit, and I don't know how to drag it out any further. have a nice day :)

ALSO! ill have a birthday chapter for koushi and probably something else before then too.

(his birthday is june 13) 

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