♡ levyaku - a little laughter never hurts anything ♡

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"What is so funny, Morisuke?"

"I wonder that too."

"Your soulmate must be very funny."

Around entering high school, you and your soulmate's humor linked. Everytime they laughed, you would laugh too.

Lev's laugh was something everyone knew, it was something everyone expected. He was very easily excited and laughed often. Yaku's laugh was something people forgot - he did laugh often and he did sound wonderful when he laughed, but people often overlooked it as it didn't match his personality well.

Yaku didn't find many things funny. Sure, he laughed at some of Lev's jokes from time to time, but hey! They were funny, right? Lev, on the other hand, laughed incredibly often and at almost anything.

Yaku's first two years at Nekoma, Kuroo always pointed out how random his laughing was. However, this year he always seemed to laugh at all of Kuroo's jokes - something he had never done before and something he thought he would never do. This is how Kuroo figured out that Yaku's soulmate must have been one of Nekoma's first years. (Of course he had his bet on Lev, but he couldn't be too sure.)

 First subject on Kuroo's list: Inuoka. He laughed so often it wouldn't be a surprise if Yaku and him were soulmates, but Kuroo mainly only doubted the pair because of how little they talked. They were barely friends, and their personalities didn't mix too well. (According to Kuroo's matchmaking genius, that is.) 

"Inuoka, hey!"

 "Heya Kuroo-san! What's up?"

"Well, I have a question."

 "Ask away!"

 "What do you call a fake noodle?"


"An imposta!" 

Inuoka burst out laughing, but Yaku did not.

Next subject, Lev Haiba! The lanky bean of a to-be ace. Same joke, same hysterical laughter. This time, however, Yaku too was laughing like crazy, interrupting his conversation with Kenma, who looked annoyed.

"Hey, hey Lev!"

"YEs, Kuroo-san?"

"Do you know who your soulmate is?"

"No. I do kinda feel bad for them though, because I laugh so much!"

"Hm. I bet Yaku hates his soulmates guts. I bet his is a lot like you - always laughing at every little joke. How would that be? Haha."

(insert - Kenma talking to Yaku and chuckling slightly while Yaku talks about how much he "hates" Lev.)

"Lev, what would you do if Yaku was your soulmate?"

"I dunno. That would be kinda cool, and he's super cute and short!"


"Run Lev, Run!"

Lev ran away, laughing hysterically from a wheezing Yaku. "Lev, I-huff - hate- hahahahaha- You!"

Lev stopped laughing, Yaku stopped laughing. Lev laughed a little, Yaku laughed a little. Lev broke out in laughter, Yaku broke out in laughter.

"It's not- haha - that funny! Ahaha!"

"Wait, Yaku-san..." Neither were laughing. Lev laughed a little,Yaku laughed a little."Oh! You must be my soulmate!" 

"Lev, you idiot! How would you even know?"


Lev thought of Kuroo's joke and started to laugh, and so did Yaku.


"I told you, Yaku-san! Wait, if we're soulmates, can I just call you Yaku?"

"Hm.. sure. And, maybe if you take me on a date, I'll let you call me Morisuke. But yes, you can drop the honorifics."

"Thank you, Yaku!"

"Yes, yes. I'm going back to talk with Kenma, text me the details for our date if you would be so kind."

"Um, Yaku-san... I mean Yaku! I don't have your number."

"Just ask Kuroo for it. I'm sure he's already figured out we're soulmates, and he will tell you if you ask him. That little turd."

"Okay, bye Yaku!"


Unknown number: Hello, Yaku! Here's the plans for the date! We are going to go to the park, then movies, then dinner, and then my house! I will pay for everything, so you don't have to! :D i really, really like you, Yaku! I can't wait for our date tonight!

Contact created: Cute tall giant of a soulmate ;)

Cute tall giant of a soulmate: Oh I forgot! I'll take you after practice!

Me: Ok, thanks Lev. I'll see you then ❤️

Cute tall giant of a soulmate: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

'How cute' Yaku thought to himself.


some short levyaku fluff since im lacking motivation to do anything productive ♡ 

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