A/n - Please read!!

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Hey, it's Ruth here. Well, Remi. I recently changed my name because I'm gender fluid. Anyways, I'm writing this to say that unfortunately, I have lost all motivation for writing this, I simply went through a phase of being addicted to Merlin which has transitioned into me being completely addicted to Harry Potter.
What I'm trying to say is that this book will be either Discontinued or just simply put on hold until I find the motivation to update.
On another note, I have noticed that we hit 2k reads! That's exactly 2k more than I thought I would get, considering that I didn't really see my fan fiction really going anywhere.
I am very sorry to say this but it's more likely to just be discontinued. I am however, writing a Harry Potter book right now. I have completed One chapter and am about to finish another. I will upload it once I hit at least five chapters so that it will have some content.
I am sorry for those who enjoyed reading this little fanfic. I am so grateful that so many of you have read it and supported this story!

I guess this is the last edit I'll make to this book in a while. So... goodbye for now, stay tuned for the Harry Potter book or any updates that may occur in the future.

~ Remi x

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