[Chapter One]

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(A/N the image does not belong to me, all the credit goes to the creator)
The Dream

Morgana had faced many sleepless nights, her nightmares becoming too much for the sleeping draught to overcome. Each nightmare seemed different to the others, yet all had the same theme, sorcery.

Every night, Morgana would take her sleeping draught, hoping that she would sleep through the night. Unfortunately for her, the nightmares would always return.

Tonight however, felt different, she took the sleeping draught as she did every night. But she called for her maidservant, Guinevere, to stay until she fell asleep.

Morgana took Gwen's hand in her own and placed her hands beside her, laying most comfortably.

"Is the sleeping draught still not working, M'lady?" Asked Gwen, who was genuinely concerned for her Master's wellbeing.

"Sadly no, if I have another nightmare tonight, I will go to Gaius in the morning to get a stronger version of it." Morgana sighed, hoping that eventually these nightmares would leave her forever.

Gwen squeezed her hand comfortingly, as if she had read her Master's mind. As always, Morgana fell into a what seemed to be a peaceful slumber. Gwen tucked in her master and blew out the candles, walking out of the room as he work had finished for the day and she was able to go to her home and sleep.

Hours passed and Morgana was still sleeping peacefully, maybe tonight was her night. Unfortunately, it wasn't, as she started to toss and turn in her sleep.

Morgana walked through the castle, heading towards her chambers, when she was pushed to the ground by what felt like a person. She looked around but no one was with her, no one could have pushed her. She got to her feet and raced gracefully to the door, it wouldn't open. All of a sudden, her hand was over the door handle and some foreign words came from her mouth as the lock clicked open. She had just done sorcery.
Once Morgana got to her chambers, she felt a cold chill in the air, she held out her hand and another set of foreign words came out of her mouth, the room was then filled with light provided by candles. The cold chill remained however, now a pale hand appeared on her shoulder, tightening it's grip.
Morgana screamed for help, but none came, she continued to scream as the hand started to turn her.

Unknown to Morgana, the candles in her room had lit up, the door to her chambers now locked just like in her dream.

Morgana was awoken in the early morning by Gwen. For a moment, she felt as if the cold chill had passed from her dream and into reality, but it was gone in the blink of an eye. As Morgana rubbed her eyes, she sat up, realising she was soaked in sweat and tears.

"You better get Gaius to get you that sleeping draught, M'lady." Said Gwen, worry lacing her every word. Morgana just nodded in agreement, not wanting to talk bout the subject of sleep for any longer.

"I have gotten your clothes ready, M'lady, if you wanted to get changed from your night dress" came Gwen's voice again.

"I would like to get dressed, I would also like my breakfast too, Gwen, if that's not too much to ask." Morgana spoke gently, she considered Guinevere to be one of her best friends and she didn't like to order her about like she would with any other servant.

Once Morgana had changed into her green, silk dress and eaten her breakfast, she made her way from her chambers to Gaius's. She knocked once, then twice, then a third time.

"Come in." Came the voice of an old man from the other side of the door.

Morgana walked into the room, closing the door behind her as if to make the conversation she was about to have a lot more secure. She looked at Gaius, who was sat with Merlin, eating their breakfast. It was a wonder to how Merlin had made it this far in the day without Arthur demanding his presence.

"Gaius, I wish to speak to you in private about my sleeping draught, please." Morgana said, timidly, not wanting Merlin to judge her me mentally.

"Why of course, M'lady, Merlin hurry with your breakfast then you can go see if Arthur needs you yet." Gaius spoke with a sense of wisdom in his voice.

Merlin started to practically inhale his breakfast, begining to choke. Gaius tapped his back with such a great force it shocked both Merlin and Morgana. Merlin looked at Gaius thankfully and rose from his chair, walking past Morgana and to the door.

"Good morning, Lady Morgana." Merlin said cheerfully as he walked past, walking to the door and closing it behind him.

Once Morgana felt like it was safe she sat across from Gaius, where Merlin had sat before her. She fiddled with her hair and avoided looking at Gaius for a period of time. Once she finally felt comfortable, she looked up into the old man's eyes and began to speak.

"My nightmares are getting worse, my sleeping draught hasn't worked in weeks," she said, hesitating for a moment "and there is a particular theme in these dreams... Sorcery."

Gaius nodded, knowingly. "Not to worry Morgana, I will get you a stronger sleeping draught. Now don't go getting yourself worked up about sorcery, it's outlawed remember."

"Of course I remember, but Gaius... It feels so real. In my dreams I am the sorceress and I can control fire and unlock doors with a single movement" Morgana said, practically fantasizing about the wonders of sorcery for a moment.

Gaius sighed, deep down he knew that Morgana possessed magic, but wanted to keep it hidden from her. It was for her own good, really. "They're just nightmares, Morgana, I'll send the sleeping draught to your chambers before the night is here."

Morgana groaned but got up from her seat, "thank you Gaius." She walked to the door and opened it, by this point Merlin was rushing down the hall, as if he had been listening in on the conversation, that sneaky servant.

1038 words
I hope that you liked this chapter. I am quite proud of it and if you enjoyed it, be sure to vote for it.

- Ruth

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