[Chapter Nine]

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A plan

Merlin, Arthur and Morgana had been talking for hours. All thinking of different ideas on how to escape. One idea struck them, they would have to be very careful if it were to work. They agreed to set the plan in motion later in the evening.

Morgana looked down at her dress, picking at the seams, it had been a pretty dress before she was brought here. It was now stained with what she could only guess was her blood, covered in dirt, and had a giant rip in the middle.

So much had happened in the last few days, it had been hard to keep up. Arthur went missing, Morgana and Merlin shared the same secret, they had gone to find Arthur, only to have been captured and thrown wherever they were.

Merlin walked to the door, looking out, wondering how to get out. He had been the only conscious person whilst been taken to the tower, yet once inside his mind became scrambled, patches of memory missing. As soon as they got outside, he'd be able to safely guide everyone back to the Castle.

Arthur watched as his friends gave themselves something to do, not quite sure whether the plan would succeed or not, a lot of it relied on the brisk moments that would happen in the next few hours.

An hour or two had passed, it was hard to keep track of time, and movement outside of the cell had become more frequent. The trio sat down together, waiting for the doors to swing open.

Eventually they did, a man wearing a dark hooded cloak walked inside. He scowled at the three captives, choosing which one to take. He looked at Morgana, her hair falling effortlessly around her face, she looked weak. He looked at Arthur, he had been here the last few days and had never looked more exhausted.

Lastly, his eyes fell on Merlin. He looked the strongest of the three, he hadn't been beaten already and most of the strength he had remained inside. The man clicked his fingers, pointing at Merlin, two other men came in and grabbed Merlin by the shoulders and dragged him out of the room.

Once again, silence fell upon the room, Arthur and Morgana looked at each other, as if talking in thought. The cloaked man slammed the door, but the lock never clicked. Footsteps got further and further away from the door.

Now was their chance.

The two jumped to their feet and pried the door open, feeling relieved at the sudden chance of freedom. They raced down the halls, unsure of which way would lead to their safety.

They came to a stop when they heard a yell coming from another corridor. Walking in the direction of the sound, the duo looked around, not quite sure what to expect. The yells got louder.

They followed the sound untill there was only one door left. This had to be it. Pulling it open, the group of men from before could be seen, hunched over and kicking a small figure.

Surprised by the sudden disturbance, they looked up, making eye contact with Arthur and Morgana, at first there was no movement but then came the panic. The men drew their swords and held them in front of them.

Arthur grabbed a small metal bar that had been coincidentally left by the door and prepared to fight. Almost forgetting that he'd be weak, Arthur charged towards the group, swinging the bar at everything that moved.

Morgana rushed in, unnoticed, and kneeled by Merlin's side, he had fresh blood dripping from his head and could barely stay conscious. She grabbed his hands and pulled him up, letting him lean on her, stumbling out.

Arthur wasn't far behind, no longer holding the bar. He begged for them to hurry so took half of Merlin's weight on him and the three ran towards the main door.

They had been running for what felt like hours, yet had only been 5 minutes. They were free. But exhausted. They set up camp by a lake, all getting some well deserved rest.

As morning broke out, Morgana sat up, she hadn't had a nightmare, maybe the day before had been traumatic enough. She looked at the sleeping Prince, he looked so peaceful yet on edge. Her eyes lingered on him for a few more seconds before drifting to the servant.

Merlin was curled up small next to Morgana, his face still crusty with blood. They all needed to bathe and change into clean clothes. Before her eyes moved once again, Merlin's fluttered open. He tried to sit up but found himself too tired, instead he looked up at Morgana, suddenly feeling her eyes bearing into him.

Their stare lingered, not a word was spoken and neither of them seemed to mind. The world became distant untill there was just Merlin and Morgana left. Merlin finally managed to pull himself up, his eyes drifting downwards untill they landed on her lips.

Her usually soft, perfect lips were dry and cracked, she needed to drink. Despite their appearance, they still seemed to be beckoning Merlin closer, he leaned in, not realising Morgana was mirroring until their lips touched.

Merlin raised a hand to Morgana's neck, deepening the kiss, when they were interrupted by Arthur's obnoxious cough. (He really knew how to ruin the moment but he's a privileged Prince so what does that matter). The two pulled apart and looked towards the disturbing creature that was Prince Arthur.

Instead of a scowl, there was a small smirk plastered on Arthur's face. Merlin didn't trust it for one second, Morgana wasn't so quick to judge and let out a little giggle that set Arthur's face to fall.

Merlin looked between the two, conflicted on how to feel, letting his eyes marvel in the sight of the gorgeous Lady Morgana for a little while longer. He got to his feet with a little bit of trouble.

"Let's go home." He said, already walking in the direction of Camelot.

1012 words

Sorry for the late update, seems to be a new theme for me. I promised myself that I would get this chapter to 1000 words and I successfully completed that. I'm somewhat proud of this chapter. It is 1:30am right now so I wouldn't be surprised if it was really bad. Please leave a comment saying whether you liked it or not.

Also... Thank you for 1.2k views! I honestly didn't believe that this story would ever hit that, you guys are the best, I love you all!💜

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed and keep your eyes open for the next chapter, untill next time, goodbye!

~ Ree Xx

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