[Chapter Eight]

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Through clenched teeth, Merlin got to his feet, taking in the pain that was filling his every breath. He stumbled over to Arthur, placing a hand on his shoulder, shaking him a little. At first, there was no reaction, so Merlin shook him harder, continuing this cycle till Arthur jumped awake.

Merlin took a step back, looking at the ground for a moment, as if contemplating whether to sit down or stay stood. He chose to sit, only so that he could become more comfortable- not in as much pain at least. He looked up at Arthur, who was rising to a sitting position.
"Merlin? What are you doing here?" Arthur croaked, his voice obviously strained.

"Funny story really, I was looking for you." Merlin joked, it didn't come out as he had planned and just got a blank stare in return.

"And you came alone?" Arthur asked after coughing to bring some life back to his voice.

Merlin was about to speak when an ear-piercing scream came from somewhere on the other side of the door. He rushed to his feet, completely ignoring the pain as he ran to the door and peered through the small window. He couldn't see much, but he did see someone walking towards him, just before the door swung open, he stepped back.

The next thing he knew, Morgana was in the room with them, a cut on her forehead that was bleeding and the door slammed shut again.

"You brought Morgana?!" Arthur yelled, staring at Merlin, probably thinking of some way to punish him with the limited items that he had. Merlin tried to think of a smart way to turn this situation into a joke, a way to cut the tension yet nothing came to mind.

"He didn't 'bring' me anywhere, I came on my own accord. It's not his fault that we're here, if anything it is yours Arthur, since we came here to rescue you." Morgana said, a small smirk on her lips as she finished the sentence.

This made Merlin laugh a little, he had sat down too close to Arthur however and received a hit over the head. He looked at Arthur, mocking him in his thoughts, but thought it was best that he shouldn't voice those words out loud.

"So Arthur, you've been longer here than us, what happens here?" Merlin said, edging away a little in order to sit against the wall. Arthur sighed as an answer. "Oh my mighty Prince Arthur, please enlighten me with the knowledge of what goes on in these four walls" Merlin said, pointing to the walls of the cell like room.

Again, Arthur sighed, but this time it was followed with "Not much, you sleep, you don't eat much, you get beaten up and then repeat" This was enough to make Arthur stand, he stumbled a little, steadied himself then started to pace.

Part of this chapter was uploaded before I was ready, so anything after this is the true ending for the chapter x

Merlin watched as his friend paced around, looking unnerved, his hair was a mess and there were giant bags under his eyes. Why hasn't Merlin come looking for him earlier, he could have helped quicker.

Arthur stopped to look at Merlin for a moment. Just staring at him silently, before continuing his pacing. This caused to Merlin to also get to his feet, walk to Arthur and grab him by the shoulders.

"Stop pacing, it's stressing me out and I can't think!" Merlin yelled, making Arthur jump a little at his sudden outburst. Morgana just looked at them, watching their every move. Arthur pushed Merlin's arms off his shoulders, reminding him where Merlin stood in this.

"Me pacing is stressing you?! I've been here for at least a week, the days go by without a proper concept of time, I've barely eaten anything since I got here! So don't tell me that you're stressed!" Arthur boomed, making Merlin shrink a little, everything was so tense.

Morgana stood up and walked over to them, considering giving them both a piece of her mind. She looked them up and down, deciding that they weren't worth her wasting oxygen and got straight to the point. "Both of you, stop arguing and work together! It's obvious that on our own we can't get out of here. So let's put our heads together and make a plan."

Arthur grunted and went back to his stone platform and sat on it, leaning against the wall. He sighed and looked at Merlin, refusing to apologize for yelling, after all, it wasn't his fault.

That's when they sat down with each other and started to form a plan of escape.


789 words
Sorry the late update, but here it is. Better than last time anyway, if you liked it please leave a vote and leave a comment about how you think they are going to break out.

~  Ree

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