[Chapter Four]

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A missing Prince

Weeks had passed and Merlin and Morgana had grown closer. They felt like they could tell each other everything.

Merlin had walked to Arthur's chambers to get his orders for the day but found them empty. He looked around the Castle, Arthur was no where to be found.

In a panic, Merlin ran to Gaius to ask for help.

"Gaius, I can't find Arthur, I've looked for him everywhere." He exclaimed, panicking about his master and good friend's safety.

"I'm sure he'll show up soon." Gaius said, as if not remembering how stupid Arthur was, he was powerless against sorcery.

Merlin didn't know what to do, so he went to Morgana's chambers and knocked their new secret knock.

"Come in." Morgana's voice came from inside. Merlin walked in and instantly leaned on the door, at a loss of what to do. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know where Arthur has gone." He sighed, feeling useless.

"I'm sure that he'll turn up soon." Morgana said, walking to Merlin's side and pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, as if to tell her not to go missing too.

"Gaius said that same thing, but you and I both know how much danger he could be in if-" Morgana put a finger to his lips and put her ear to the door. On the other side of the door, someone was talking. It was Uther.

"You need to hide" Morgana whispered, not knowing what Uther was coming to talk about. Merlin nodded and ran to a hiding spot, just as he got there, Morgana's door swung open.

"Morgana, are you okay?" Came Uther's voice, worry lacing his every word.

"I'm fine, what's the matter?"

"Arthur, he hasn't been seen all day. I think someone has kidnapped him."

"Who would do that?"

"I'm not quite sure, but I think there's Sorcery involved. All sorcery is bad and this is bad so it must be sorcery."

Merlin knew the hurt that Morgana would be feeling at the King's choice of words.

"If you see a sorcerer or someone that looks a little out of place, please tell me." Morgana nodded and helped Uther leave, closing the door quickly behind him and sighing a sad sigh.

Merlin walked to her and hugged her, surprising her at first, it was always Morgana who hugged Merlin and never vice versa. She hugged back, sighing into him.

"He doesn't know about you, if he knew that you have magic, then his views could change."

"I know, but it still hurts to know he hates what we are."

Merlin nodded, trying to think of one of his sassy comments but he couldn't bring himself to. Morgana looked up at him, realising how close their faces were and blushed a little.

Merlin looked down to her and smiled a little, still trying to think of his sassy comment that would fit the situation perfectly.

His eyes wandered his face subconsciously, they landed on her lips and stayed there. It was like she'd enchanted him, as much as he tried, he couldn't pull eyes away.

Morgana was admiring his eyes, the way they twinkled while he was deep in thought, the way that they made her feel like everything was going to be okay. Her eyes fell to his lips, all of a sudden she was leaning in and kissing them.

Merlin froze at first but soon kissed back, pulling Morgana against him. That's when Morgana pulled away and turned show she didn't have to look at him.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that."

"It's okay, Morgana, in fact it's more than okay." Merlin put his hand on Morgana's shoulder and turned her around to face him. She looked up at him, blushing.

"I still am sorry, I didn't even ask, I didn't know if you'd even want me to kiss you, obviously you didn't want me to and I did." She rambled, Merlin kissed her to shut her up.

"Okay so now this time I didn't ask we're even, now I'm going to go find Gaius and see if he wants me to do anything." Merlin grinned and walked out of the room, leaving Morgana stunned.

Merlin made sure that he was busy so that he didn't see Morgana the entire day, he even sat with Gaius and reorganized the bookshelf.

Arthur was still missing, and the search parties had been sent out at least ten times by now. They always came back without even having found a trace of Arthur.

Merlin sat down to eat with Gaius when Morgana came bursting in, panicking. She slammed the door behind her then quickly ran and sat with Merlin, shaking.

"Someone was in my chambers, I went for a walk to take my mind off of" she glanced at Merlin then back at the table "some things, and when I got back, my door was wide open and someone was rushing around my chambers in a dark cloak."

"Well did you tell the guards that they were doing a great job at their job?" Merlin said, a slight smirk on his face as he started to eat.

"They were sat outside of my door, I think that they were enchanted to sit there and not react to anything, they didn't even react when I slapped one of them around the face to get their attention." Morgana said, removing the smirk from Merlin's face.

"Sorcery?" Gaius said, looking concerned.

"What if they have Arthur and they were looking for you, Morgana?" Merlin said, suddenly being serious.

Gaius sighed, getting up from his chair, going to the door. "Merlin, eat, I'll be with Uther." Then he walked out, leaving Morgana and Merlin alone.

Merlin put his food down and walked to the door.

"Where are you going Merlin?"

"I'm following Gaius."

"You were supposed to eat your food."

"I'll finish it later, I'm following Gaius now."

Morgana used her magic to drag Merlin back to his chair.

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I've been working on this chapter all day today simply because with Quarentine, there is nothing else to do. So I should be hopefully publishing a chapter every day, or at least every other day.

- Ruth

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