Chapter 1: All Too Well

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A/N: So this is my second fanfic! ATM I have been having so many feels for Hook and Emma from Once Upon a Time. BAM! This little fanfic was born.

My story takes place after the episode Tallahassee. It is about a day or two after Emma came down from the beanstalk. This may or may not end up connecting with future episodes, so I guess you could call my fic AU. I don't own the characters only my ideas! I really hope you enjoy this fanfic! Let me know what you think!

Rated: T for language


You've Bested Me

Captain Swan Shipper! © All Rights Reserved Fanfictions4fun (a.k.a KaraStephenson)


Chapter 1: All Too Well

"Wind in my hair, I was there. I remember it all too well..."-Taylor Swift

            She stared into the fire, deep in thought. Had she made the right choice? What if she could have trusted him? She could still hear his voice calling out her name with anger. A little piece of her felt a tinge of regret. But it was quickly put to rest when she remembered her past with men like him. Of course she made the right choice, he was a no good pirate. For gods sake he was fucking Captain Hook (she still hadn't gotten used to the fact that fairy tale characters existed).

             His words racked her brain. He frustrated her every time he spoke. She never saw herself as an open book, but somehow this guy managed to figure out more about her than anyone. Only a few hours and he was able to leave a crack in her wall. A wall she spent years building sky high and bullet proof. Granted she didn't expect someone to use a hook.

             The worse part was the similarities she saw within him. She saw pieces of her own reflection in him. There was a familiar mischievous attitude and a witty sarcasm. But what ate at her the most was the hint of sadness, of despair, of rage she saw in his eyes. The exact feelings she knew all too well.


             "What?!" she bolted up, sword drawn.

             "Whoa," the warrior held her hands up in defense. "It's only me."

             "Sorry, Mulan. I'm just a little on edge."

             "Did something happen when you traveled up the beanstalk? Are you okay?"

             The blonde shook her head. "No, nothing. Is it time to switch shifts?"

             Mulan nodded, switching places with the savior. "I believe your mother wished to speak with you once your shift ended."

             Emma stepped quietly, any sudden noise could catch the ogre's attention. The last thing she needed at the moment was to be chased after by those huge creatures. Although, she was finding the ogres better than Hook.

             The petite brunette seemed to hear her footsteps approach. "Is that you Emma?"

             "Yes, my shift just ended. Sorry to startle you."

             "It's okay...are you okay?"

             Are you okay?. She was beginning to get annoyed with that arrangement of words. "Why do you ask?"

             "I could hear it in your tone..." the beauty mumbled.

        The blonde gave a small chuckle. "Since when did you get so perceptive? I'm fine Ro." carefully, she walked around the sleeping beauty.

           Emma saw Mary-Margaret standing quietly at the edge of the forest. She knew that whenever her "mom" wanted to wasn't going to be short. And she wasn't quite in the mood for a long mom-to-daughter chat. She tried to walk softly past the snow-skinned women.


             Emma stopped in her tracks.

             "Turn around.”

             She obeyed the voice and pivoted on her heal.

             "Come here..." Mary turned her head to face her daughter. "Please."

             "I was going to-"

             "Ah un." The mother shook her head.

             Emma didn't like being commanded, but she felt like she needed to oblige to Mary, or Snow, given that she was her mom. "Okay. I'm here. You wanted to talk?"

             "Honey... I'm worried about you. Are-"

             She put her hands up to silence Snow's words. "Don't say it. Don't ask me if everything's okay."

             "I was going to ask, are you okay?"

             Emma threw her hands up in range. "Dammit! Why does everyone keep asking me that? Yes, I'm fine! Happy?" She slid herself down along a tree trunk.

             Snow joined her on the cold, hardened, soil. She gently rubbed Emma's back in a comforting motion. "Look, I'm just looking out for you. It worries me to see you so out of sorts."

             She shrugged Snow's arms off of her. "If you think I'm just going to sit hear and listen to another one of your you-can-talk-to-me lectures then I'm going to go get some sleep." She was quick to get off the ground. "Right now, I think that’s the best thing for me. 'Cause the fact is, I can't talk to you, or to Mulan, or even the sleeping beauty!"

          Snow rose carefully as if trying to calm a wild animal. "Okay Em. I understand, you're stressed. It's fine if you don't want to talk to me. But understand, I am your mother and I'm just looking out for you." And with that she left the blonde woman alone.

              Clenching her fists, Emma looked up at the sky. She regretted lashing out at Snow. It wasn't her fault; no it wasn't Mulan’s, or Aurora's fault either. The source of her rage, she knew exactly who was to blame. One fucking, arrogant, smart ass pirate...

            "Well, look who I've finally caught up to. And here I thought you'd actually make it a challenge, love."


E/N: Sorry the chapter was kind of short! . I will try to make them longer if you guys like this! 

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