Chapter 3: Trouble is a Friend

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A/N: Here's another chapter! Enjoy...and yeah my plot will no longer really be like the show...i fell to much behind sorry! I might try to include thinks that did happen on the show though. If you have questions or want to talk OUaT feel free to leave a message.

Rated: T for language


You've Bested Me

Captain Swan Shipper! © All Rights Reserved Fanfictions4fun (a.k.a KaraStephenson)


                                                       Chapter 3: Trouble is a Friend

                                            “Trouble will find you no matter where you go.”-Lenka

          “Okay, so this is how it’s going to go. You will take all of us to get the portal dust. And you follow everything I say. No back talk, no questions, and definitely no sarcasm.”

            “Oh love, but where’s the fun it that?”

            “Right, almost forgot, absolutely, no name calling.”

            He leaned in close. “Aye, Emma.” The way he spoke her name was like warm honey, sending a tingle down her spine.

            “Emma.” Such a contrast to how Hook spoke her name. It was a sharp needle.

            The blonde ignored the voice. She walked right past her towards the camp.

            There was a warmth starting to spread—sunrise. It would be light in only a few minutes and she needed to wake Mulan and Aurora. Emma was hoping that the other two would be more understanding of the situation. 

            “I know you can hear me. Honey, I just want you to think this over. Is this really the right decision?” Snow’s voice held sincere concern.

            The daughter huffed in exasperation. “Look, I know you think this is a bad idea, but it’s the best one we have.”

             “Then let me ask you one thing. Do you trust him?”

            There was a pause.

            “I don’t trust him… But, I’m willing to put my doubts aside so we can get back home.” Her tone had lowered and her words held truth.

            Snow smiled slightly, “Okay… I will support your choice.”

            Somehow, Emma managed to convince the two others that having Hook would be to their benefit. Although, everyone made it quite clear that if he messed up once, he’d be as good as dead. Emma planned on stranding him in fairytale land, where he wouldn’t ever be able to escape. She just couldn’t take the risk of letting herself be fooled. Half of her knew it was a vindictive move, which could leave her in regret. But, she was willing to sacrifice.

            So you want to do exactly what he does? Does that make you any less than him?” Snow’s words echoed.


            A downpour drenched the five of them. The sky was an ominous black. Lighting could be seen in the distance, inching closer, and thunder roared all around. Emma was beginning to think her feelings were controlling the weather. “Hook!” She called over the thunder. “Where are we going? How much further?”

            “Well, in this weather, it pushes us back almost half a day!”

            “Half a day!” The four women yelled in unison.

            “We are in the forest of emotions! It is a unique place in this land, which is enchanted! It reflects the feelings of those entering!” He stopped under a tree, which provided some shelter. “The spell is supposed to keep others out. It is also used to help people overcome their emotions, so to speak.”

            “So, then why are we going through?” Spoke the naïve brunette.

            “Because, it is the fastest way I know we can reach Cora without her knowing.”

            “Then, that means one of us is the cause to this hectic weather?”

            The pirate flashed his usual smirk. “Aye, Swan, ‘tis one of us.”

             For some reason, she felt Hook was implying it was her fault. It was ridiculous! Of course her feelings couldn’t be controlling the weather. Still, this was fairytale land, where the imaginative was real.

            “Whoever it is, why doesn’t everyone take a second to close their eyes, take a few deep breaths, and relax.” Leave it up to Snow to come up with an idea.

              If the forest really was enchanted, Emma saw no reason to argue. Leaning up against the tree trunk, she closed her eyes. Her stomach expanded, and then slowly deflated with every out breath. She pictured herself back in Storybrooke—Henry, Charming, Ruby, and all her friends. The corner of her lips pulled into a smile.

            A warm light began to shine through a small gap in the clouds. The thunder and lightning had ceased and the needle rain turned into a light sprinkle.

            “Now, we all just need to stay relaxed until we make it through the forest.” Snow’s voice held a hint of pride for beating the spell.

            Emma thought she could tame her emotions, for at least a few more hours. She would replace her anger with determination to return home.

            Another pair of boots fell in line with the blonde’s own. “Looks like we are back on schedule.”

            “Good, the faster we can get out of here, the faster we can get the portal dust.”

            “I know it was you, Swan. Don’t worry it’s our secret.” He winked.

            When wasn’t he trying to flirt? So far… Never. “Oh I wouldn’t worry, even if it was me, which it wasn’t. If anything it was probably everyone combined, ever think of that?”

            “Fast mouth you got there.”

            “It has to be when I have to deal with people like you.”

            He raised an eyebrow. “People like me? What exactly does that entail? Do enlighten me, Miss Swan.” Hook replied in mock excitement.

            “You know. No good, sarcastic, mischievous, people.” Emma tried to defend her statement.

            The pirate gave a chuckle. “So, really, not people like me, but people like you too.”

            She replied with a threatening glare. There was a sudden sound of thunder.

            “Careful, wouldn’t want to start the rain again, love.”

             Not caring, she smacked him hard on his arm.

            “Bloddy… What was that for?!”

            Success. This time Emma smirked. “Careful, wouldn’t want to start the rain again, Hook.”



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