29. the one where it finally happens

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In the next installment of "8 Days of Oxford Comma," it's the morning after the wedding and they're ready for round two, a little conversation by a grandparent sparks a very important relationship decision, and Suzy finds out a little too much information about her best friend.


This chapter picks up the morning after the wedding (I just had a sudden image of Fez from That 70's Show saying "I'm going to do it," so there's that) and there's some predetermined dialogue I will include amongst it all because I feel as though it really helps set the scene. Once you read it, you will understand, but I imagine it will also make you very happy.

So, let's goooo.


The following morning, they're cuddling in bed and all smiley as they wake up together when Harry makes a joke about repeating the events of the night before, which Suzy very much would also like to happen and is even in the middle of making happen when Mina barges in and announces she's hungry and demands breakfast. Suzy regrets getting a lock on her door in that exact moment, but luckily they were under her blankets.


They get out of bed and head to the kitchen to make breakfast and it's all cute and fun banter with Mina, until Nicholas's mum stops by to pick her and her things up as she will be spending the next week with them as Dominic and Nicholas are on their honeymoon and Suzy has to go back to Oxford. As they leave, she makes a comment to Suzy saying, "Now we'll leave you and your boyfriend to some peace and quiet before you head back," which toys on Harry's mind until she's gone and it leads to this dialogue.

"Interesting how she called me your boyfriend..." Harry says.

"Mm, but she doesn't know any better," Suzy replies, unaware Harry has been thinking hard about it.

Harry takes a moment, then asks, "But what if I was? Your boyfriend, I mean."

Suzy is taken back by surprise, but then goes on about how it wasn't that long ago that they discussed their feelings and how they wanted to just take each day as it came. But Harry reminds her it was months ago, and besides, things are different now—he just wants to know where he lies with her because he's not even sure since they're acting like a couple but there's no real label on it. Immediately, Suzy can see there is something else Harry isn't saying, so she pushes him a little further.

"It's because..." Harry begins, his heart in his throat. "Because I'm in love with you."

Suzy goes quiet, then asks, "Are you really?"

Harry says, "Yeah, have been a while now."

Suzy isn't sure what it means, and tells Harry she feels strongly about him too but isn't quite ready to say it back yet—she knows she probably very well loves him too, but there's still something holding her back and she's not quite sure what it is, but she puts it down to feeling as though she's committing too fast after her last relationship. Harry understands, but something within her clicks, and even if she's not ready to say The L Word, she is ready for something else. So, she says, "Okay, let's do this."

Harry asks, "Do what?" and she replies "Be boyfriend and girlfriend." Harry asks if she's sure, unable to contain his smile, then kisses her passionately when she says she is because he's never been happier.

And just like that, they're finally officially dating.


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Suzy returns to Oxford later that day, only to find Niall and Mila doing it—quite literally, on the couch in their flat because they hadn't heard her come home since they were busy. This is when Suzy learns that, in fact, Niall and Mila have had a physical relationship for a few weeks now but have kept it a secret at Suzy's expense since she's been so happy in her own life and Mila didn't want to ruin it with the idea of her and Niall. Suzy is more confused than anything, so she greets Niall and congratulates them both on...whatever it is they're doing.

However, Mila can also sense something is up with Suzy and demands to know what's going on, so Suzy excitedly announces that she has a boyfriend—both Mila and Niall scream at this as have both been waiting for this to finally happen (note: the gif above is probably how they would've reacted if they had champagne on standby, tbh).  Mila asks for all the details on how it happened, but she spares the details of their sexy fun time for Niall's sake, regardless of the fact that Suzy literally walked in on them earlier. When she gets to the part about Harry telling Suzy he loves her, Niall asks if it was in French—Suzy says no, but as it turns out Harry has been practicing to say it in French and in the heat of the moment must have forgotten all about it. This excites Suzy and she decides that when she says it back, she will say it back in French.


And that's the end of the chapter! What a fun one, hey? There is a lot to unpack from even more (almost) sexy fun time to Mila and Niall actually being a thing, but let's be real, the most exciting part is that Harry and Suzy are officially boyfriend and girlfriend! They took their damn time, amirite? I know this is a weird kind of situation with me just posting these detailed descriptions instead of a full blown chapter, but I would still love to hear anyone's thoughts on this Hazy becoming official and Niall and Mila too!

But enough of that, because tomorrow I will be back with chapter 30! Hint: Suzy is StressedTM and Harry jets off to LA because of a "lovers spat" (and again... it's not what you think).

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