19. the one where someone is pregnant

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Harry's texts are bold, Suzy's texts are italic.

Harry's texts are bold, Suzy's texts are italic

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Saturday, 21st of February, 2015

"Seriously, I still cannot believe he actually begged," Mila said, ruffling through the bottom drawer next to my bed. "Like, he actually got down on his knees and begged."

"Mmm," I murmured as I placed my hands on my lap and swivelled around on my desk chair, watching my best friend crease her eyebrows and dip her hand further into the drawer.

Mila had been in my room for almost half an hour, interrupting me from my studies to sort through some of Jasper's belongings that were still floating around. I loved her and all, but sometimes she really needed to know when to back down and that enough was enough. I mean, Mila was right and Jasper really was pathetic, but my heart still hurt and I just wasn't in the mood to talk about him, or see things that reminded me of him.

"Oh my god, remember when he got you this?" Mila asked as she pulled out a small bracelet covered in coloured beads that didn't match one bit. "So glad you taught him all about good taste since then."

There was nothing to do other than nod, otherwise I risked my heart jumping out from my mouth and my whole body shattering into a million pieces. The bracelet may not have been the prettiest thing Jasper had ever bought me, but the sheer fact that it was something he gave to me out of pure love, something he gave to me to keep forever, was enough for my heart to get caught in my throat. It was all just another reminder that Jasper was no longer my forever.

"And this!" Mila cried, removing me from my depressing state of mind.

She thrusted something into my hands, and it wasn't until it was within my grasp and right in front of my eyes that I realised what it was. A handmade card Jasper made me for Valentine's Day last year, covered top to bottom with "I love you"s, then on the inside it was filled with a bunch of promises that he said he would keep. The first one read "I promise to never be the reason you're hurting," which was yet another reminder that Jasper was the biggest fucking liar in the world. Of all the things in the world that he could've promised me, that was the one that hit me the hardest. He was the reason for my hurting more times than he realised half the time, and he was sure as hell the reason for my hurting now. If it wasn't for him taking credit for someone else's handiwork all those years ago, maybe I would never have been hurt from him before — maybe I would never have known what it was like to have my heart broken. We sure had our happy moments, but what Jasper did was enough for me to want to take it all back. Not even all the chocolate or diamonds in the world could make me forget what he did.

It wasn't until I spotted Mila's face fall and rush by my side that I even realised I was crying again as my mind returned to its depressing state, much like it had been in ever since I faced Jasper. "Shit, babe," Mila said, wrapping one arm around my shoulders and using the other to grab me a tissue. "I'm sorry to make you cry, but it's just — you need to get rid of his stuff. It'll help you move on."

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