8. the one with the twitter followers

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Harry's texts are bold, Suzy's are italics.

Harry's texts are bold, Suzy's are italics

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Sunday, 14th of December, 2014

Like most things we do while under the influence, I pinned my drunken feelings of wanting to kiss Harry as simply that: Drunken feelings. Even though I woke the next morning with a throbbing head and my mind fluttering with thoughts of almost kissing Harry, my mood suddenly changed as I checked my phone, only to see that Jasper had finally sent me a message. Albeit it was about how he hadn't been in the country for long and had already managed to stub his toe and find a hair in a restaurant meal, but it still brought happiness to me. Just simply knowing that he had been thinking about me was enough to let some of the sadness wash over me, replacing it with an even bigger glimmer of hope that things were going to be okay soon.

As for Harry, neither of us mentioned what had happened at all the following day. Not when we were sat in the kitchen eating leftovers, not when we were both taking ibuprofen to reduce our headaches, not when we were laying on the couch as we waited for the alcohol to leave my body, not when we were packing my car with all my belongings and Harry's single duffel bag, not when we finally hit the road and Harry played me one of his favourite road trip playlists, and certainly not when we arrived in London and he gave me directions to his house. A simple goodbye was given, leaving him at his front gate with a cheesy grin and an arm waving furiously as I left that vicinity of the city to go home.

Home, however, wasn't exactly something I did consider the house with Papa, Nicholas and Mina to be, but it was the people who lived there that made me label it as home. But, in a contrasting manner, I also found Holmes Chapel to be home, because the village was a place that I would consider the home my childhood was made in. The people, not so much. Moving away from Holmes Chapel — or, most importantly, moving away from my mother — at the age of fifteen after my parents divorced was one of the best decisions I had ever made. Well, the court's decision, actually. It was the court who had decided that Papa got full custody over me, rather than the woman who was listed as my mother on my birth certificate. I was so thankful for that, because Papa was truly the one parent who watched over me more than anyone. As much as I did care for Nicholas, and he cared for me in return, nothing could beat a father's love.

Since I had arrived back in London, I spent two days lying in bed, doing absolutely nothing. There was so much sleep that I needed to catch up on, after totally lacking it during my exam period, and I had even managed to sneak in a cheeky phone call with Jasper. It wasn't anything drastic, but he had said he missed me and just wanted to chat. It was so nice to hear his voice and hear what he had been up to, but it only made me miss him even more. I managed to stay strong, though, and didn't shed a single tear. Usually I did, but something must have changed this time. Maybe I was growing as a person or maybe it was an entirely different reason that I didn't want to think about.

I mean, yeah, deep down I was still sad and upset about the whole situation, but just hearing that Jasper missed me in general, as well as missed me enough to call me out of the blue, was enough to bring me up and out of my sadness spell just that little bit. I no longer felt like spending my days moping around in bed, I no longer felt the urge to cry every few hours, and I no longer had the urge to drunkenly kiss someone that was not Jasper. Not that I had been drunk since the evening I spent with Harry, but I was so certain that those feelings were all in the past.

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