17. the one with the red balloon

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Monday, 2nd of February, 2015

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Monday, 2nd of February, 2015

I didn't think I had ever been so excited to see actual sunshine in my life.

Between the harsh winter weather, and just the general lack of sunshine, the weather had been something tragic for quite some time. But as I woke to the sun shining through my window, my outlook on the day ahead of me was all sorts of positive. Good weather meant it was going to be a good day, or so that was what I sincerely hoped to be the truth.

When my eyes had fluttered open and adjusted to the bright light, I actually felt motivated enough to get out of bed and start some of my extra coursework before my tutorial later in the day. It wasn't often this feeling happened, especially with weather so dreary to the point of wanting to stay in bed and watch Criminal Minds reruns, and I planned to take full advantage of it. My initial plan was to take my iPad and books to a nice grass space nearby, rather than spending my study session cooped up inside my room, but because I felt so great, I decided to go for a run. I threw on some comfortable clothing and my runners, then set off down a path around campus.

The hot sun rays may have been harsh against my skin as I pushed myself further and further, but it was totally worth it for all the extra vitamin D. It was something that was hard to achieve, so it was nice to take advantage of every moment we got. Except as I was halfway back, dark clouds began to form in the sky that was once a vibrant blue. I picked up my pace as I carried on down the track, only hoping to make it back to Unity Hall before the weather turned into something horrible. It did put a damper on my mood, but actually being able to have a jog around campus was enough to keep me positive.

Unity Hall was in my line of view when I felt the first spot of rain on my face, followed by another and another and another. I pushed myself just that little bit harder, and successfully made it back to the hall before the rain got harder. With how dark the clouds were, I had a feeling it was going to happen.

I was about to head up to my flat when Xavier — a third year psychology student, who always smiled almost too brightly to me — called out my name and announced that a present had arrived for me. I was confused as to why I was receiving a present, but that confusion was nothing like the bewilderment I felt when I saw what it was.

"Thanks," I mumbled to Xavier as he handed it to me, then went straight up to my flat and placed it on the kitchen bench. I folded my arms across my chest as I stared down at it, trying to work out why this was a present I apparently needed.

"Ah, Suzy!" Mila said as she entered the kitchen. "I was hoping you were here, 'cause I need to—um, why is there a random balloon in our kitchen?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "No bloody clue," I replied. "Went for a run and Xavier said this was left for me."

Mila pouted her lips in confusion, much like I was doing, then pointed out a note attached to the bottom. "What's the note say?" Not saying anything in reply, mostly because I was a little embarrassed I hadn't noticed that yet, I reached for it and read what it said.

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