10. the one where there's soup

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Warning: Mentions of drug use.

Friday, 19th of December, 2014

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Friday, 19th of December, 2014

Christmas was the most frantic time of the year.

Between the constant running around for last minute presents, helping Papa and Nicholas pack for their trip to Paris, and trying to ignore my thoughts about going back to Holmes Chapel to be with Mum for Christmas, it was a very hectic time. I was so thankful that Mila had called me up the night before, informing me that she and her family would be in London for the day and that we should catch up for lunch. It was so nice to be able to get out of the house and just socialise with my best friend, because while we still talked on the phone at least a few times a week, and texted most days, it didn't have anything on seeing her in person.

We met at a small cafe in Camden, but that was probably the dumbest idea considering the time of year. It took long enough for us to even get a seat in the first place, let alone the extra fifty minutes it took before we got our food. She had ordered prawn risotto, and I had gone with the typical spaghetti bolognaise. The food was delicious, so I guessed that made up for the poor service. Not that I could blame the staff, because apparently everyone had the same idea of going out for lunch.

"So, how is Professor Hopkin, by the way?" I asked, twirling the long spaghetti around my fork, then blowing on it to cool it down.

Mila shrugged, twirling her fork around her food, too. "Okay, I guess. Haven't spoken much since I saw him the day I left."

"Trouble in paradise?" I raised an eyebrow as I took a bite out of the spaghetti. I noticed how Mila's mood had suddenly dampered at the mention of his name, which only meant that things really weren't good. "Oh, you don't have to answer," I added, feeling bad for even bringing it up. "I'm sorry. Shouldn't have said anything."

"No, no, it's okay." She waved her hand, giving me a small, sweet smile — a smile that I could see right through, even if she didn't want me to. She was my best friend, and while I had only known her just over a year, we had been living in the same flat for a majority of that time. It was certainly plenty of time to get to know one another. Violet was the same, but we just weren't as close with her as we were each other. "When I saw him that last day, we talked, and did some not-talking—" I rolled my eyes at the implication "—then talked some more, which lead to him confessing that he'd been talking to his ex-wife again."

My eyes widened. "Holy shit," I muttered, accidentally dropping my fork into my bowl. "Why haven't you told me this?"

Mila shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't know, you seemed to have a lot going on yourself. Didn't want to burden you with more problems."

"You could never burden me with your problems," I ensured her, reaching across the table to place a gentle hand on her upper arm. "You are my best friend, and so I'm always here for you, okay?"

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