15.Do Better

576 20 2

2 Months Later

Selena POV
Well Zayn and I have been perfect im really happy he's the best thing that's happened to me today I leave back to America to do some jobs the boys will be going to America as well I've missed LA but I leave tomorrow and I have today to spend time with zayn I woke up and he already left God knows where im trying to be positive I grabbed my phone and saw I had a text from him

My forever 💋💕
I wasn't lying you know lastnight you know.... When I said you meant the world to me and to be even more honest a world without you is a world I wouldn't want to live in I love you so so much lastnight after making love made me realize how lucky I am to be with someone like you love you see you in an hour sleepyhead 💕

Ps. Out with the boys

I smiled I felt like a young girl again i began typing

Aww baby I love you so much and my world wouldn't be complete you are my other half my significant other you leave me wanting you more of you in every way see you later say hi to the boys for me ok?

I pressed sent then I went into the shower without zayn here it feels so empty I turned on my beats pill and put music on the next song caught me by surprise it was nothing like us by Justin I couldn't change it my hands were wet but it sure brought good memories with him and that made me feel guilty cause I'm with zayn and im not sure why

the song changed and it was night changes hearing zayns voice gave me goosebumps he had the voice of an angel I couldn't help but sing the song as well I got out and began my day of doing absolutely nothing I walked into the bedroom and there was a dozen red roses my favorite I walked my way towards the bed I saw a card I opened it
I never stopped loving you
Love always Justin

what the fuck how?...
"Thought you could get away from me so easily" his voice startled me I turned around " J-J- Justin" he smiled but I was scared of his smile this wasn't him " what what are you doing here?" He started getting closer I kept moving back slowly that kind of made him madder " I came here to talk" "well I don't want to so leave before I call the cops" I spat he pinned me to the wall

" Justin stop let me go you're hurting me I beg" his eyes dark " funny how people beg when they are scared isn't it ?" Tears started forming he began kissing me " no stop Justin someone help me" he chuckled " no one can hear you good luck" I heard the door open

" she said let her go" zayn grabbed Justin's arm turned him they began fighting thank god harry and Liam were there they broke them up harry grabbed Justin and liam grabbed zayn " that's why you don't love me you hoe" zayn started running towards him liam grabbed him " she's no hoe you asshole she left you cause the way you act get the fuck out of here you little basterd" harry let Justin go

" alright just beware" he game me the scariest smile yet again "bye selena" last thing I remember was crying and that's about it

Zayn POV
Seeing her vulnerable in Justin's grip pissed me off more than anything in the world I thought she would of made love right then and there and she didn't I thought she would have she fell asleep she looks so angel like i don't want to leave her and I don't want her to leave I love her too much God knows when I'll see her she started moving and her eyes fluttered her brown eyes

"Hey baby" "hey" I kissed her forehead " you okay?" She looked out of it " im okay I just never thought he'd do something like that" she started tearing this broke my heart to see her this way I held her and kissed her " baby I will never do this to you ever you mean a lot to me you've shown me a new meaning of love and I love that with you for everything I promise you that we will never be apart ok?" She smiled "okay baby I need to pack help me?" " anything for my Queen" she chuckled we got up and walked into her closet this girl has so many clothes, accessories and shoes im in trouble I chuckled at the thought we went down stairs and she cooked steak with mashed potatoes and string beans after we watched some orange is the new black

" Baby?" She said "yes love?" She fiddled with her fingers oh shit what's up im trying to stay calm so much rushed through my mind " i wanted to ask would you ever want a baby?" I got her pregnant im going to be a dad is all I thought at this point " yeah I would I think I'm ready... Why?" She looked at me " oh just wondering that's all " I smiled " alright I would want a boy first" I smiled with pride she giggled " howcome?" "Well because he will take care of our daughter my 2nd princess" she blushed " I love you" "I love you too baby"

"We should make this official between us I mean pap has seen us and people are wondering should we?" I asked her " yeah I think we should" we went on Twitter and made things official finally now I can show her off to the world

Yes we've kept this for a while but me and @SelenaGomez are dating and we are happy love you baby 💋 #Zaylena

I'm so happy to tell all my fans yes @ZaynMalik1D are together he's my soulmate love you too my boy 💕💏

Within seconds our notifications started blowing up we got support and people of course haters as well who cares

Finally after months my two great friends made it official so happy for them @ZaynMalik1D @SelenaGomez 😱☺️

Love it ☺️ @ZaynMalik1D @SelenaGomez my godparents for baby payne 👶🍼🍼

Best two people in the world finally together love you guys @ZaynMalik1D @SelenaGomez

Love in the air 💑 @ZaynMalik1D @SelenaGomez

Lol the lads are funny we flipped through the channels we were trending and people kept asking what happen to Perrie and us and I had to tell them

Hey everyone perrie and I had a lot of differences but we remain friends @LittleMix no hate please

It felt nice not hiding anymore then my phone had a notification

@ZaynMalik1D exactly we are great friends and we are both happy xx -perrie ☺️ ps. Congrats

I put my phone down and Selena and I fell asleep one last time together

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