19. Complications/ ZMM

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*months later*
I woke up one morning with horrible cramps the worst I was 5 months pregnant everyone knew by now that I was expecting I began crying and grabbing onto my stomach zayn had left to Paris for fashion week and he left the band for his family.

The pains were horrible I hope it was nothing to serious Priscilla had come into my room with baby Aiden in her arms and Jay at her side.

"Selena what's wrong?" I couldn't speak "the. Baby" was all I managed to say she gave Aiden to jay and he went to put him in his crib Priscilla turned on the light and she pulled the blankets over she looked at me in horror

I looked down I saw blood "no no no Priscilla call 9-1-1" she called jay and he saw me and began to cry Priscilla was at my side trying to calm me god I hope you watch over my baby girl after I said that everything went black.

Zayn POV
Being away from Selena kills me and being away from my daughter as well it's 12 am in the morning and I can't sleep something feels wrong I been texting Selena and she isn't replying she is usually up till late this isn't like her I closed my eyes and my phone started vibrating

Priscilla name shows I pick up and it's silent

"Priscilla?" I hear sniffles "are you okay?" The line goes silent "s-s-Selena" my heart started pounding "what's wrong with selena" I hear Priscilla pass the phone to jay " hey zayn I'm sorry to say this but Selena..... She's...... She's in danger and so is the baby" I dropped my phone my eyes I started to ball "zayn? Are you there?" I hear jay say "I will be there soon please don't leave her side" "alright I'll see you"

This isn't fair why me god please protect Selena and my daughter please I called my agent and got the fastest plane to Texas daddy is coming home for his girls I'm trying to be strong

Selena POV
All I know is that I'm in a hospital but I can't move at all I hear everyone around me crying and talking I hear a knock and it's the doctor

"Hello everyone I am doctor Mendez I would like to speak to Ms.Gomez Husband?" I hear my mom speak "He's on his way from Paris please tell me will my daughter and granddaughter make it?" The doctor took a moment to speak my heart dropped and I just wanted to get up and cradle my stomach she hasn't moved at all

"There's a chance your granddaughter will not make it and your daughter will be fine but she lost to much blood and the amniotic sac lost a lot of fluid that's why Ms. Gomez is hooked onto a lot of IVs we are doing everything to help them both"

I wanted zayn next to me and in an instant I felt the door open and it was zayn "You must be Mr.Malik come with me outside and we will speak" I didn't hear him say anything but I heard the door close and then everyone began talking to me the rest of the boys were there as well but they were so quiet I've never been with them so quiet

Minutes passed then zayn came in and grabbed my hand

"Baby please be strong for not only me but for you and the baby idk what I'll do without you both I love you both so much" he put his hand on my stomach

"Please give me a sign that you can hear me please Selena I need you you are my smile my heart" I wanted to cry and move but nothing he kissed my lips and then began singing night changes and I calmed down a little but something amazing happened the baby's heart rate went up and I felt a little punch she's alive

Zayn continued to sing and the boys joined him the nurse came in after

"Your baby is very strong she seems to be fine now all you need is her mommy to react I'm sure you can make her" and I will

*That night*
I know everyone left and zayn was by my side I was going to try to give him a signal I was listening and she kept moving a lot he kept talking to me then he dozed off

I tried and tried and tried once more and my eyes fluttered open I moved my toes and then turned my head "Z-zayn" he didn't hear me I forgot he was a heavy sleeper so I moved my arms and tapped him "baby" he turned and smiled

"I thought I lost you!!!! Never do that to me Selena I love you so much" he kissed me and I kissed back then the doctors walked in and checked me I was good zayn called everyone and told them I was fine I was able to go home but I would be on bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy

*Few weeks later*
Being 6 months pregnant and on bed rest sucks I literally can't do anything but watch tv, sleep, eat, shower and use the bathroom I want to go out and breathe some air but everyone is afraid of what happened last time and that I might loose my baby girl zayn hasn't left my side at all I'm so lucky

"We should start picking names for her you know?" He said I smiled " oh yeah we do calling her baby girl is too annoying" he chuckled " so let's get to planning I nodded " how about Zillah Marie Malik" I smiled " I like it but how about Zillah Nicole Malik?" I smiled " I like it Zilliah it is" I patted my belly do you like it Zillah?" She kicked instantly "Zillah it is!" Zayn said we cuddled and fell asleep

•Zillah is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Zillah is: Shade; shadow.

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