20. It's Time!

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I'm in my third trimester meaning I can go into labor at any given moment which is nerve wrecking my mom flew in with Gracie and Brian she kind of calmed me down at times. Zayn mom Trish and sisters were here as well so we're the boys basically a full house I never had so many over. I felt like a bad host but everyone didn't want me doing anything

"I can wash the dishes" everyone said "no" at the same time "well shit" everyone smiled I made my way to the nursery I came here often more now since Zillah will be here any day now

I opened her door it smelled like baby her room was all white, the furniture was as well she had a blanket and it was purple the only thing that was colored above the crib was her name and on one wall I had a wall with a picture of my belly & sonograms and it went from weeks too months it looked so cute zayn came up with the idea I stared at the pictures and heard his familiar accent

"We're going to be parents anytime soon it's crazy" I turned to him cradling my stomach a smile appeared on our faces

"I know I can't believe it" he came up to me and put his hand on my stomach and she kicked he bend down

"I can't wait to see my baby girl I love you so much your gonna be beautiful like your mother"

I blushed he got up and kissed me "how's my beautiful wife doing?" He asked "I'm okay just tired I want her here already" he chuckled "so do I goodbye sleep" I chuckled " you right"

We walked to the crib visioning her in it "babe?" Zayn asked "yes baby?" "Let's go out tonight before she arrives this might be our official night out you know" I smiled "alright" he pulled me into his embraced and kissed me so passionately we pulled away "alright go get dressed we will leave soon" I walked out and into our bedroom and went into the bathroom and stripped naked and got into the shower

Zayn POV
I came downstairs "okay everyone she's getting ready everyone go to the place now that way we can surprise her" everyone nodded I went upstairs and found Selena having trouble put on some black pants I rushed to her side "here baby I'll help" she smiled "thank you" she put on a white tank top and a beige cardigan with a brown Infiniti scar and her natural curls and some black toms and just eye make up " I'm ready"

-in the car-
Selena POV
I sat and started to feel what almost felt like contractions and it started to hurt more I looked down and was soaked
"OMG Zayn!!!" He looked at me confused "it's baby time my water just broke" he stared at me in confusion then realized it "omg.. You... Baby.... For real... I'm going to be a dad" I smiled and out of breath "yes Zayn it's time go get the suitcase and baby bag by the door" we rehearsed this so many times but this time it was different 2 minutes later the opens the back door and throws the stuff in the back I grab my phone and call the hospital this time Zayn is speeding and I can see how nervous he is he kept asking every minute if I was okay and I would say yes

20 minutes later
We arrived to the hospital surprisingly there was no traffic Zayn got me a wheel chair and we checked in they admitted me and I was in a room already changed and hooked up to computers monitoring Zillah and I Zayn called everyone and said to come to the hospital after 10 minutes my Dr. Came in Dr. Gray he was very handsome and mysterious I loved him he checked me and I was already 7 centimeters I wasn't in a lot of pain I could take it then every 6 hours id delate then on March 5th at 12:30am I was ready to push my mom was next to me holding my leg Zayn held my hand

"Okay Selena you are going to push get ready"

"1, 2, 3 push push"
These pains were worth it I gripped Zayn hand tighter making him yell

"Okay Selena her head is almost out just a little more push push"
I gave my all and she was out I grabbed her immediately and laid her on my chest and she began crying finally I have Zillah Zayn kissed my head then one of the nurses took her to clean her Zayn rushed to their side to take pictures he looked so happy my mom kissed my forehead
"I'm so proud of you baby Im going to check on my granddaughter" she walked away and the nurse handed Zayn to Zillah wow what a blissful moment the way his eyes lit up everything about him changed as I watched him fall more in love with our daughter

Hours later
Zayn pov
I'm finally a father i kept saying it to myself I would watch everyone closely who held her. She looked like Selena so much Selena was so beautiful even after giving birth my mom cried everyone cried honestly this was the best moment in my life knowing I made a baby with the person I loved.
Everyone said their goodbyes then Selena was breast feeding her. That child can suck Selena looked in pain but she took it

"She's here Zayn" We smiled and looked down "everything about her is perfect" I said "I know it was all worth it" I kissed her then grabbed Zillah and burped her " try to rest I'll watch her" and in an instant she fell asleep I put Zillah in the little crib then laid down on the cot this child was a good sleeper I hope it stays this way I hope.

An: this one sucked sorry guys

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