Making a break for freedom

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(The picture above or at the side reminds me of the way Rose acts in this chapter because of the healing machine (HM) plus it's a good quote)
Rose's POV

No. You were 'out' for two hours, with your injuries you should either be in a coma or dead."

Those words rang in my ears.swirling round my head , replaying liver and over again. I stumbled over to a chair. Dr Jenner stood up, grabbed his test kit and walked over to me slamming his kit on the table, making me jump. " I TOLD YOU TO TELL ME IF ANY LEVELS INCREASED !" His face was bright red and angry. He took out the needle and grabbed my arm. " Jenner , no more tests, YOU promised." I replied pulling my arm away.

Jenner looked around at the group and pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear. " you will do exactly as I say, because we don't want to make a scene in front of our guests, they have children. " his words struck a chord. I stood up and yanked my arm away from him. " I am not your guinea pig. Jenner. I never will be but I know this, I will be leaving this place today." I looked at Daryl and he smirked at me. I looked back at Jenner. "Now. If you excuse me I'm getting something to eat before I collapse."

I turn on my heel into the kitchen and I begin to make some concoction when the doors open and close. " Jenner just leave me alone, please, I can't take it anymore, my feelings are everywhere. " when he doesn't answer I look over my shoulder at Daryl who is actually smiling. "What'd mean everywhere, cuz I think I know what you mean." I smiled and told him everything while we both ate, away from the prying eyes of the others.

He came closer moving my hair from my face and turning me to face him. " when did you start to feel like this for me ?" I asked him curiosity filling my mind. He looked me in the eye and his words caused my heart to do triple backflips and somersaults. " ever since I laid eyes on you." He smirked." Especially when you came flying through them doors and landed on my table , then got back up as if you just came in and sat down on a chair, now that was impressive, ma girl."

His words made me feel proud. " Do you think Rick will let me leave with you guys ? I'll keep myself to myself I promise. " he looks at me pretending to be wounded. "What about me ? Keeping yourself to yourself is a bit selfish don't ya think ?" I laugh a hearty laugh and stand up to put the dishes in the sink, when Rick comes crashing through the door. "Get your stuff we're " he looks to me. " you to come on " he rushes off and Daryl grabs my hands pulling me towards my room.

I grab my backpack stuffing clothes and essentials in as fast as I can, I'm finally making a break for it and I'm not wasting time. I grab the HM bag and stuff the small black box in the bag, along with the different coloured vials that Jenner made, for different reasons ranging from broken bones to recovery needed from getting beat up made specially for me and my DNA.

Daryl watches me confused. "What the hell is that ?" He shouts pointing at the bag with the HM in it. I grab both bags and walk towards him. " it's how I'm still alive." He raises his eyebrows for a second before pulling me down the hall past the room bill and mike had me in and I stop seeing the wreckage of the room, but no bill or mike. " what happened while I was out ?" He turns to me his face grim. " I kinda had a few words with them and we sent them on their way." He turns into a small room on the left and come out with a crossbow and a small backpack grabbing my hand as we walk towards the main lab.

The group were looking annoyed and Lori and Carol were hugging their kids and covering their eyes and ears as Rick and Shane were shouting at Jenner. He probably told them about the generators, which I'd tried to fix and closed the doors telling them that the generators where gonna run out, and set the CDC on fire which is complete bull.

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