Split apart

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Rose's POV
When I woke, everyone was asleep. I got up to stretch my legs and stopped. The governor was here. I shrunk back into my sleeping bag and waited hoping he hadn't seen me. No such luck.

He grabbed my legs and ripped the sleeping bag off me. He looked me up and down lustfully, then whispered, "before you wake up let's play." I gagged and screamed. I kept on screaming until the governor vanished from my sight.

It was Daryl who shook me awake. His gorgeous blue eyes worried and concerned. I sit bolt upright breathing heavy. "What happened? " He questions me. I swallow some water before I tell him. "It was about him." Daryl's look changed from concerned and worried to focused.

"You knnow he's dead, rose, michonne took care of him, didn't ya!?" Michonne looked over at us. "Oh yea got him right in the eye and lopped his head off." I nodded. He can't hurt me he's dead. Only in my thoughts he can and I'm not giving him that power.

An hour later and everyone else wakes up and the day carries on as usual. Daryl, Rick and Glenn go out on runs,mapping out the tracks that may lead to terminus. I go about gathering the weapons and cleaning them. Carol, Maggie and Sasha wash the clothes, and everyone else does whatever.

It was nearly sunset when Rick,Glenn and Daryl burst through the door. "We gotta move now." I stood up and started packing mine and Daryl's stuff. Everyone else followed suit. Soon we all headed outside and there were walkers everywhere.

We all grouped together to fight our way out, but we all ended up in separate groups. Carol, Lily,Mika,with Tyreese carrying Judith ran into the woods on my right. Michonne,Rick,Carl and myself ended up running away from the church and chaos. Daryl parted with Abraham,Rosita and Eugene.

As I turned to stab a walker I seen them leave and it felt as if a piece if me were missing. Carl grabbed my arm and pulled me onward towards tracks. "Dad and Michonne are up ahead terminus is this way just follow the tracks" he said smiling.
I smiled back

"Just follow the tracks Daryl"

Hey guys sorry it's so short I'm getting ready for school but hey 18 parts so far !!
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