Three: Ways To Love Forever

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Turns out, i got one more! stay tuned! :) Enjoy this!


Days, months, years

She knew it was inevitable

Their separation was unstoppable,

For Death was a cruel entity

He Knocked in every door,

From a poor man’s shack,

To A Queen’s Castle

She knew it was only a matter of time

Before He would come to claim her too

If only, in an other life they could meet again

She prayed to the God above,

For her wish to come true

She searched for ways to live Forever

But alas, she was left disappointed

When she found none

She had never wanted to leave him alone,

But it was something he could never escape.

Heartbreak would eventually grasp him

And she never wanted him to suffer


For she had too suffered from its merciless wrath,

So long ago

And still suffered from the fear it had brought her,

It was cruel, loveless and ate away at her soul

All she wanted that,

For him,

She could live Forever

Or so hoped that they would meet again 

In another life


Jack wished,

As the days and years passed

that he could provide for her

What a normal guy could

A life, a family,

And so many other things.

as much as he loved being a Winter Spirit,

He wished to be normal,

He wished for Manny to give him another life,

Where he could love,

And she could too,

In open air,

Without any secrecy.

Without keeping their magnificent love 

A Mystery,

A secret.

How they both wished,

Life could be fair,

Both wanted 

To be Granted

Another, different life

Where they were not shackled

With the the chains of limits,

Where both were safe from

The wrath of Death,

Or where It visited each at the same moment

OH how they wished,

For ways to Love Forever,

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