*.~Part II~.*

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Arandelle, 1808.

At fifteen years old, Elsa stared out her bedroom
window into the starry night sprinkled with tiny snowflakes. It was finally winter, when she could allow a tiny bit of herself to be free. As she stared at the swirling mess of falling snowflakes, she decided to test her powers after the years of limits and boundaries.


Jack watched, grinning, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

It was time to have fun.


That night, Elsa let herself be free for the briefest of moments.

She and jack made a small enough snow storm to fit in her room. She laughed loudly as the snow swirled around her in tiny flakes, her hair escaping her braid and falling around her face.

Her dress flew all around her, and she giggled as she tried to find Jack in the storm she'd created.

''Jack!'' she called out, still laughing. She tried to look for him but it was difficult to see with the swirling tornado of snow around her,


Jack was joyous to see Elsa act like that, allowing the fun part of her personality to escape for a brief moment in time through her facade of seriousness and silence. He couldn't believe, that after so many years of keeping her powers at bay, she was now playing hide and seek in a snow storm she had created all by herself. He grinned as he added to the snow storm and flew to the high ceiling. He made sure he was hidden from Elsa's sight, and at the right moment dived down to pick her up and take her for a short flight.


Elsa let out a small, excited squeal as she felt Jack's familiar arms lift her up into flight. He'd done that numerous times before, and she still couldn't help but feel giddy just as she had on her first try.

As soon as they were up, all the snow abruptly stopped moving and fell down. The room was silent except for Jack and Elsa's chuckles.

Their laughter died down after what seemed like hours; they were still hovering above Elsa's bed in her room.


Jack stopped laughing as he caught Elsa's gaze. He stared into her captivating blue eyes. They glinted and sparkled with life, something he rarely got to see because of her curse. Her pink lips were stretched into a wide smile, her blonde hair framing her face perfectly.

And in that moment, all the love and appreciation he'd ever felt for Elsa gathered into one place inside his heart. He suddenly saw her in a new light; he did not see the young girl he'd found sleeping one winter night. Instead, he saw a beautiful girl; brave, self sacrificing and loving; he couldn't believe how much Elsa had grown right before his eyes.

His more innocent kind of love developed into something more strong, enthralling him towards her.

Without meaning to, Jack had fallen for Elsa. The ever beautiful Elsa; his Queen.


In that moment, as Elsa too stared into his ice blue eyes, the child-like fascination she'd felt towards him melted away and blossomed into a stronger love for the slender boy before her. She took him in, and realization struck her.

Without realizing it, she'd fallen in love with Jack. The lanky, funny and fun loving Jack; her Guardian.


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