*.~Part III~.*

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Arandelle, 1815.

It'd been a year since Elsa had regained her sister's trust and had brought back summer to Arandelle after freezing it solid. Everything was back to normal and all was well.

Elsa and jack spent majority of their time together; they would meet up in the castle grounds, he would help her with her duties as Queen, and they would, as always, spend time together in Elsa's room together at night.

Even though Elsa had mended her relationship with Anna, she was still weary of the idea of telling her about Jack. In her view, the magic of their relationship was in the secrecy of it all, and exposing it to even her loving sister felt breaking an unspoken promise.

So the days of the year passed as they met in total secrecy, their magical love unseen and unnoticed by all those around them.

For them, everything was perfect as they sought to spend most of their time together, putting aside the reality of the situation; that all good things must come to an end.

None was ready to face the tragedy as soon as it came, but they could do little when fate intervened.


It was one of those winter nights where Elsa was unwillingly left alone by Jack as he travelled the world to spread winter. He did not want to leave, but he knew as well as any other that he had to.

Elsa lay in her bed covered with blankets, watching through the open window at the sparkling stars, recalling the time when Jack had taken her West to engulf them in that beautiful sight. She yearned his presence desperately. She lay awake, awaiting Jack's return, though she wasn't sure when that would be. Loneliness grasped at her heart without having the hovering presence of Jack near her. She sighed as the night went on, seemingly endless.

Just as sleep came to invade her, a looming dark figure outside her window caught her eye. Abruptly shaken awake by the thought of Jack's return, she shoved away the blankets and went to look outside the window. Frowning upon not being able to see anything, she went back to bed. She swore she saw something.

Just as she was about to shake away that thought on account for wishful thinking, there was a loud thud on her door. Alert, she sat upright. Who could it be, in this hour of the night, she thought.

Using the most regal and demanding tone she could muster, she called out, ''Who is it?''


Confused, and alarmed, she looked around the room. Nothing was different. The sleep which had momentarily came to visit was now washed away with alertness and adrenaline pulsating through her veins.  For safety, she froze the lock of her bedroom door, preventing anyone's entrance.

Upon hearing the sudden echoes of a booming laughter, all sleep and weariness vanished as she stood upright in a fighting stance, ready to unleash her icy powers.

Right before her eyes a wind started to blow inside her room, visibly black and sandy, surrounding her in a circle from all sides. she spread out her arms and spun with the wind, letting out streams of ice, in an attempt to freeze it, but as soon  as it touched the pitch black sand, it melted away.

Fear tore at her heat, but she kept her composure as the laugh resounded in her ears. She frantically looked around and racked her brain for a way to call for help. No one could hear her all the way up to her room, Jack wasn't near either.

Then suddenly, the laughter stopped, and dead silence took over the room. The sand still circled her, wisps of sandy strands whipping out toward her, but did not come close. The sand suddenly gathered all in one place, and materialized into a single form of tall, lean man standing before her , with sharp eyes and pitch back features.

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