*.~Part IV~.*

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Jack had an uneasy feeling as he flew around modern day Russia, covering it in thick blankets of white. His stomach was tied in knots, and he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He frowned, he had no idea what was causing it. Somehow, he felt that Elsa was in danger, that leaving her alone that night was a horrible mistake. But he let the thought go, thinking it was just because he was away from her for the first time in months.

The feeling didn't leave him, and clenched at his heart. He was getting worried and panicky. He thought it was silly of his to feel like that, but his attempts to shake that feeling away went in vain.

By the time he had hurriedly finished his responsibility, the feeling had intensified by tenfold and had resulted in him shooting across the sky at maximum speed back to Arandelle.

His breathing was heavy, and it wasn't because of the speed or cold. His heart clenched in his chest as he neared the Castle. His ears were unhearing, his mind unthinking; he could not feel Elsa's presence.

Maybe she had travelled to Corona overnight to visit Repunzlehe thought. But he knew it was unlikely, she would have told him before he left.

Increasing his speed, he spun towards the familiar window of Elsa's bedroom.


No one can imagine the destruction that consumed the tiny kingdom of Arandelle that night. The windows of every household in Arandelle shook with violent winds. Snow plastered itself onto houses with no intention of leaving, and covering everything in white; turning everything colourless: lifeless.

Just like how the colour and life drained from Jack's soul.

The early hours of sunrise were clouded by severe blowing winds, carrying the sharp icicles with them. The wind whistled harshly, speaking of Jack's loss, sharing his grief. The trees shook with demon like possession, and for the first time in forever, the kingdom of Arandelle faced the harsher and more vicious side of winter.

The kingdom had turned grey,reflecting Jack's feelings. The people felt the mourning loss of Mother Nature.

The Castle windows boomed with the wind slamming itself on the glass. The walls shook, and the floors trembled.

It was chaos.


Jack's eyes were met with the unmoving fixture of Elsa's lifeless body lying on the floor of her bedroom. Her blonde hair and blue dress were sprinkled with what looked like sand; with a colour darker than night.

In an instant he put her in his lap, crying, shouting, screaming at her to wake up. He let his powers go berserk, allowing his feelings to control them. He urged at her to open her eyes to see the sun decorate the dark sky with its glorious light; to watch Anna struggle with her hair another day; to watch Olaf's nose get eaten by Sven again; to just wake up and look into his eyes and tell him she loved him. He asked her to wake up so they could spend another day at the ice Castle, to go to the grounds and have fun.

He didn't know he could cry till that moment.

Fueled with rage and despair, he broke Elsa's window and flew out, far, far away into the unknown; the farthest he could ever be from Elsa.

He flew to who knows where, with no hope, no home, no one to wait by a frost covered window for his return.


Time passed, but Jack's wounded heart could never heal. There was a huge gash in his heart, opened every year on the same day for the next two hundred years.

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