I Don't Want The World To See Me (Chapter 11)

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It must have been an hour before I heard a single noise. Everything was blocked out due to my deep thinking. I couldn't stop thinking about how dramatic things had just got. But in a strangely swift movement I hopped off my bed to answer the door.

Brendon was still resting. So I had to get the door.

When I opened the door I was taken by surprise as I saw Aaron's friend there. What was his name again?

... Josh! Ah, yes. He was standing there looking a bit edgy. Either way I was going to tell him I wasn't going to be going to the game. Now that I think of it, he's early. Quite early. Try an hour early. And I know this because Brendon's supposed to be there 5. It's only 4, that's why he's still resting.

"Hi. Josh, right?" I was unsure.

"Yeah, that's me. Nice to meet you, Tiffany." he smiled extending his arm out to shake my hand. I could tell that he was still edgy as we shook hands. His face said everything- lips twitching once in a while, eyes averted to peek through the doorway, he looked sort of anxious.

"Um. I decided I don't want to go to the game anymore." I said frowning and shaking my head. "Tell Aaron I said hello and good luck." I said flashing him a smile.

"Alright." he said understanding. But that tone changed with what he had to say next: "So where's Brendon?" he asked suspiciously. It was obvious he tried to convince me that he was just asking casually but I could see past it.

"He's taking a nap." I said flinching slightly at the remembrance of what happened no more than two hours ago.

"Oh. Is he okay?" Josh asked curious. I could tell he didn't really care about Brendon's well being. He just wanted to know. But for what?

"Yeah, he's fine." I said reassuring.

Josh now looked lost for words. He was trying to come up with something quick. There's no reason for him to stay now.

"Well, I'm supposed to prepare dinner." I lied. "It was nice meeting you, Josh." I said sending a heart warming smile his way. Hopefully it didn't look fake.

"Okay." he paused. I waited impatiently for him to leave. "Are you sure that you don't want to come to the game?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "Kim said she was going to stop by later if I couldn't, in her words, "drag you there myself"." he said making quotation gestures with his fingers.

I contemplated over the situation. Riding in a car with suspicious Josh or with annoying Kim.

Before I answered him I let out a deep sigh hoping he'd understand how unhappy I was about this. "Well, I guess we'll be leaving a few hours then won't we." I said plainly.

Josh grinned. But not with happiness but more of a triumphant smile. I knew I'd have to deal with Tiffany after the game as I was supposed to go to her slumber party. If I can avoid her now I'll take my chances with suspicious Josh. It's not that hard to lie anyway.

"So, I'll see you around 6 then." I said with seriousness hinting greatly in my voice.

"Uh- I was wondering if I could just chill here for a while." He almost asked. I felt my face get hard. What is he trying to do?

He read my expression and was about to back off. But his intentions were strong and he wasn't about to give up.

"On one condition." I paused making sure he got the idea of how serious I'm getting. "You let Brendon rest. Don't disturb him too much while he prepares to leave for the game." I stated with a tone so serious I almost sounded like a strict parent.

Josh looked down at his feet. "Are you sure he's okay?" he asked now more suspicious.

"He's fine." I said coldly. My eyes glared down at him. I felt strangely protective. "Just a bit under the weather." I said using Brendon's excuse.

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