To the beach (Part 5)

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The four whipped their heads around and backed away from the menacing trio that stood at the entrance of the cave.
Jack, Joseph and Geisha. The three stood tall in a triangle formation, the geisha standing in front. She was smiling, her eyes piercing into the survivors' souls. Even though they knew that she wouldn't hurt them (since that was against the pact), their hearts started pounding loudly in their chests.
"You four." Her seemingly calm voice sent shivers down their spines. "What may you be doing out here? You wouldn't be breaking the manor owner's rules would you?" Her eyes narrowed and she opened her fan, covering part of her face. Jack and Joseph shifted next to her, becoming slightly afraid of the woman in between them.
She tilted her chin up and glared at them.
"Well?" She said, her voice becoming louder and firmer. "I asked you four a question. Answer it."
Martha cleared her throat quietly before speaking up.
"You may call me by my alias."
"...Geisha." Martha forced out, her voice barely above a whisper. "I.. I can explain, I swear."
"Please do." Michiko said, although it was more of a command. And Martha knew.
"We... we were just,just.. uhm.." Martha stuttered, racking her brain for some sort of plausible excuse. But, being the honest and strong woman she was, she couldn't.
"If you can't answer me, let me answer the question then." Michiko proposed, walking towards them with quick steps. She closed her fan and grazed the sharp blade across Martha's neck. The coordinator tensed up, she didn't even dare to breathe.
"Let me guess," Michiko started, "Your three friends decided to go exploring past the borders and they convinced you to go along?"
Dead on.
The four survivors felt their blood run cold. The geisha began to circle them, like a shark hunting it's prey.
"That answer sounds innocent enough, no? Although you are too old to be considered children in society's standards, humans are curious creatures." She glanced at Kurt as she passed by him and he shivered involuntarily. "We are always wanting to explore, find answers and make the unknown known. Like children, you were told not to go, but your curiosity got the better of you. I understand that."
The four relaxed slightly. Maybe she wouldn't punish them very badly.
"But then again, you are not children." The geisha raised her arm, fan in hand, and slammed William into the ground. He let out a yell and clutched his head. He was incapacitated. The other three stared at Michiko in shock, unaware of the other two hunters drawing closer.
"Two of you know the pain of losing people you love. You know about death." Martha and Naib averted their eyes. The geisha raised her arm again and slammed Kurt into the stone below. He coughed and small drops of blood splattered onto the ground.
"So why?" Jack and Joseph struck the two remaining survivors and they collapsed onto the ground. This was worse than detention. This felt like hell. The geisha raised her voice even more and repeated herself. "So why?!" She opened her fan and smacked them on the heads. "Why would you go?! Are you insane?!?" She screamed smacking them again and again and again. Jack and Joseph stood still, poised to run forward and stop her if needed.
"I-" Kurt started before Michiko kicked him and grinded her heel into his back.
"Michiko!" Jack exclaimed, stepping forwards before stopping when he saw her crazed eyes.
"Do you want to kill everyone here?! Do you want everyone to suffer?!" Michiko screeched, her voice laced with venom and anger. "Do you have any idea what the owner will do when he hears about this?! Do you?!"
"Michiko! That's enough!" Joseph barked, rushing forward and dragging the enraged woman away from the bleeding survivors. Jack ran forward, helping pin her down.
"You fools! Do you have any idea what you've done?!" She screamed, thrashing on the ground.
"Michiko! Calm down! I'm sure they get the point!"
Joseph awkwardly patted her on the back and Jack whispered comforting things to her until she calmed down, breathing heavily. Martha had gotten up and she was healing William.
She had just finished healing everyone when they heard quiet sobs. They turned to see Michiko sobbing into her kimono sleeve. Joseph was trying to comfort her and Jack was silent, staring at her. He then turned to look at them.
"I'm sure you four get the point..."
"Y-yes.." they whispered in unison. Together, they bowed their heads and apologised.
"Apologising will do nothing now... it's too late." Michiko weeped. "The owner... he's.. he's gonna.... oh what will he do?"
"Why are you so scared of the owner?" William asked softly, his voice hoarse and dry.
"It took forever to convince him to let us go... he's going to kill us. He told us not to go and.. and..!"
"Michiko, it's okay. We'll figure something out." Jack said comfortingly.
"How would the owner even know we've gone out?" William asked. "Can't we just not tell them?"
"He knows. He knows everything." Michiko whispered, her voice laced with fear. "He... he knows."
A silence fell over the group and they sat still, doing nothing, for 5 minutes before Martha spoke up.
"Let's go back to the main area." She whispered. Everyone agreed in silence.

"It's been 15 minutes and I do not recognise anything. Where the hell are we, Kurt?" Naib grumbled.
"I'm sure we're going the right way!" Kurt insisted, pushing branches and thick foliage aside. The three hunters behind them sighed.
"Is this how you explored? How were you going to go back?" Joseph asked in exasperation.
"We didn't really think about that." Kurt stated nonchalantly. The hunters shook their heads.
"I can't even fly up, the trees are so thick here." Michiko said, looking up. Indeed, the leaves were heavily layered on top of each other, it was almost impossible to see.
"Just a bit more! We're going to reach the fence!" Kurt said, pushing forwards. Everyone followed suit with no other choice.

"Hey, light! See guys? I told you!" Kurt exclaimed, rushing forwards with more determination. "And you all doubted me, now you look like absolute-" he pushed aside the last branch and stopped at the edge of a cliff. Everyone stared in awe out to the distance.
" that?"
"No way..!"
"It can't be..."
Before them lay something they hadn't seen in a long time.
A city.

Hello! I haven't written in forever. My writing feels sucky now, haha. But here's a part 5! I'm going to release more chapters soon, I promise! I'll try at the very least lol.
But yeah! If there are any requests I haven't done, please tell me so I can remember to do them, thanks! I'm not really organised with this WATTPAD thing. It's just for fun :P
But anyways, have a nice day~

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