Dare: Norton gets a wife- ah wait how many?

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Norton coughed awkwardly as he set the paper down.
"A-all... of my fan girls? I have fan girls? Uhmmm" He shuffled around on his seat, feeling nervous.
"Do I really... have to?" He asked shyly. Everyone else in the room nodded. He sighed. With very little to no effort, he walked outside and reluctantly got down on one knee. He revealed a small ring in his hands and facing towards the chattering mass outside the manor who were now so silent you could hear a pin drop.
"Hey, uh... will you marry m—"
A series of "YES!" and "GIVE ME YOUR BABIES" erupted from the crowd, cutting him off and making everyone deaf. He stayed still, smiling with dead eyes, not knowing what to do. So he didn't do anything. He stayed there, confused and scared for his life. In his misery, a single tear streamed down his face.
He was a broken man.
At least he had a few wives.

Hopefully that was goodddddddd.

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