Fem!reader x Forward

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My breathing was ragged and heavy as my feet stomped loudly on the ground. I was so exhausted, I could barely see. 4 ciphers remaining and I had been containing the hunter for who knows how long. Why weren't they decoding?
My vision swayed and I fell forwards a bit before catching myself. My mind was swirling with jumbled thoughts and fear. My heart pounded loudly in my ears, it overpowered the natural sounds outside. I felt like a living sack of flour, and flour is heavy, I'd know. I slowly brought my focus back to reality. Where was I running? I smacked into a wall and I let out a yell of surprise.
I peeled myself off and quickly ran around it.
I need to pay attention!
Heaving myself over another window, my vision swayed once more. I fell clumsily onto the ground and rolled a bit further. I lay there for a bit, confused and dazed before the pounding of my heart intensified in my ears. I brought myself back to my feet, my arms shaking and knees threatening to give out beneath my weight. As I ran pointlessly about the abandoned hospital, I started to drift away into thought.
I heard that this hospital is called the Sacred Heart Hospital. That's a pretty name. It would fit him... William. He's sacred to my hea—
I snapped back into reality and shook my head, feeling the heat spread across my cheeks. This was no time to be thinking about him!
I yelled out in pain as the hunter polished his sword. I looked back at him, clutching my chest as I ran. His piercing blue eyes stared into mine, a smirk made its way onto his face.
"Bastard.." I muttered under my breath. He caught me off guard. I looked forward again and felt my knees start to shake. My palms were sweaty, knees heavy, vomit on my sweater already, mum's spaghett—
I shook my head with a frustrated growl.
I'm starting to get tired... this is new.
I couldn't see very well, everything looked like a blurry movie. It was hard to distinguish the hunter from the background now. I couldn't see him, or was it a she? Who was I running away from..?
I felt a hard blow on my back and I fell onto the hard dirt. No sound escaped my mouth, I was too tired. The hunter chuckled and tied the balloons to my back. I hung lazily above the ground, barely struggling as he strided pridefully to a nearby rocket chair. This was heaven, my limbs could rest for a while.
He threw me onto the chair and tied the straps, as well as locking the handcuffs in place. Instead of struggling to break out as I would usually do, I closed my eyes and rested my back against the chair. The cushions were dirty but they were comfy. I let out a sigh of content before I heard him shout.
"Don't move, I'll help you!"
It was him.
I opened my eyes and sat up straighter.
There he was, in all his handsome glory. His hair as messy as ever; his eyes determined and dark; his abs that would show every time his shirt rides up a bit, to my delight; his toothy grin. He was here.
I shook my head slightly and blushed.
How am I thinking these things while on a rocket chair? I'm becoming crazy...
He rushed over and rescued me. My blushed intensified when I felt his muscly arms brush against mine as he pulled off the black straps that confined me to the chair. Just seeing him gave me an energy boost, but I was still tired. My legs pushed me forwards in a burst of speed before fatigue caught me again. My vision blurred and I fell towards the ground, darkness starting to envelope me.
No! Wake up! Don't sleep here! Stupid!
My mind shouted at my body, but to no avail. It slumped onto the ground and shut down. I awaited the hard blow onto my back that would come from the hunter, but it never came. I peeked my eyes open and saw William's face. My cheeks reddened at how close I was to him, heck his chest was right there!
I couldn't move, so I lay limp in his strong arms. I listened to his heartbeat, to his soft breathing. I felt comfortable, safe, despite the fact that Joseph was only a few steps behind us. William is a good kiter, there's no denying it, but I never knew he was this good. Even with me lying in his arms, he still managed to kite magnificently. Jumping over pallets and windows effortlessly. I caught several glimpses of his abs when he vaulted things and I almost had a nosebleed.
How buff can one guy be?!
A loud horn echoed throughout the hospital and I sighed.
Now they decide to decode. Great timing guys...
When William heard the horn, he gained a huge burst of speed. He sprinted towards the nearest exit gate, which was opened quickly thanks to Kreacher. Martha smiled at me from inside the gate and winked, causing me to become a tomato. William ran past her and gently helped me stand up. He still had to support me though, I was extremely tired.
"T-thank you, William." I mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear. "I would've been dead if not for you..."
He grinned at me.
"No worries Y/N! I'd do anything for you!" He replied happily. I blushed slightly at his words.
"A-anything..?" I stuttered out. He froze slightly, realising his words and I saw a hint of blush on his tanned cheeks.
"L-like... I mean..." he stumbled for words, "it's not a lie. I really would..."
I felt steam coming out of my ears.
"Are.. are you serious?"
He stayed silent for a moment, hesitation flashing in his eyes. I held his hand, with some difficulty since I couldn't really see.
"I'd do the same for you, even in this state." I said softly. He averted his gaze and his blush was very clear now.
"You.. I... lov.. agh, I'm at a loss for words!" He brought my hand up to his face.
"The things you do to me, Y/N..." he muttered under his breath.
I chuckled, liking his flustered reaction.
"There are three words that are perfect for this moment, William" I teased, my cheeks heating up at my own words.
Damn it, I'm too tired, I'm gonna do something stupid!
My worried thoughts lingered in the back of my mind.
William slowly brought down our tangled hands and looked at me with his dark eyes. They captured me, I couldn't look away. He opened his mouth but then shut it. His eyes looked at mine worriedly, like he was... afraid.
I smiled.
"Well, who's gonna say it?"
He shyly smiled back.

"I love you"
My smile widened and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.
"I love you too, football freak"

Hello! I'm really sorry if this chapter wasn't really good, I'm kinda happy with it though.
This was requested by Mikicryu , I really hope that you liked this! The next chapter will be another To the Beach! And then, a child!Reader x Smiley requested by Siniora-Chan .
A quick thank you to Jinglebells_123 , Mikicryu and Siniora-Chan for being present for all these chapters. Friggin love you guys!
See you next time!

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