Chapter 9

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This can't be good.

Even when I thought it couldn't, the room got quieter.

Everyone just stared at each other in disbelief and confusion in regards to the pictures we had all just seen.

Spencer and I had made eye contact during that period of silence. We both shared a similar look on our face.


The other two pictures seemed untouched. They looked to be recently taken, but it was the opposite for the picture of Spencer and I.

The picture's edges were jagged and there was a large red circle drawn around Spencer and I.

The picture was old. It had been taken when we were at the park across the street from this gorgeous house. Spencer promised me that we would buy the house one day and start a family.

The perfect life with the perfect person.

Hotch finally  spoke up after more than a few minutes of everyone taking in what was handed to us.

"I had Garcia formulate a list of possible locations this letter could've been sent from and those addresses have been sent to everyone's GPS. JJ, Morgan, Prentiss, Rossi, and I will split up to check out those places. Reid and y/n will stay back to look over the letter and maybe pick up things we couldn't see."

This is crazy.

Absolutely crazy.

Spencer and I aren't even together anymore.

The other two pictures are couples so why are we grouped in?

The answer is hopefully somewhere in that letter and I have to work with Spencer to find it. He better be willing to work with me here now that we're involved in whatever this is.

After the meeting was over, Garcia had been waiting for me with a cup of coffee by the door.

"So. Observing what was just going on, I'm going to take a wild guess and say you need this steaming cup of coffee even more than before."

"Yeah. Coffee is a start."

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