Chapter 7

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It was around 2 am when I got the alert that Hotch was calling a meeting.

2 am Hotch?


I dragged myself out of bed and got ready. It was too early for breakfast so I decided to put all my trust in a cup of coffee to supply me with enough energy for this meeting. As my coffee was brewing I got yet another alert.


Well shit.

Forget the coffee, when Hotch says ASAP he means ASAP. Zero energy and an "important" 2 am meeting seems like a great combination.

This should be fun.

"What do you mean we have a meeting?"

According to Spencer, we had an early meeting today.

Now I'm not one to argue with someone who has eidetic memory and can remember every meeting date we've ever had but, I was mostly just trying to convince myself there was no way in hell we were running late for one.

"Yes y/n, we have a meeting which we are now late for. A meeting that was deemed quote on quote "a meeting which is essential to the team's knowledge on this upcoming case.". So I think that provides us with suitable evidence to make the conclusion that we need to hurry up."

Spencer and I had stayed up to watch reruns of old tv shows and then fell asleep reading. 

It was a perfect night.

Nothing like waking up to a frantic Spencer trying to find a mismatched sock that supposedly goes with the one he is wearing, which in all honesty, made no sense to me.

"Alright I'm getting up, I'm getting up."

Despite the fact we were running late, there was Spencer, making me breakfast.

"Coffee y/n?"

"Yes please. 60 beans exactly, thanks."

"Yeah ok Beethoven."

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