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Naruto was cooking dinner, Shikamaru was out talking to his detective friend and his children ended up watching a movie, a rare occasion when they were bonding and quiet. However Naruto thinks it's just because Shikadai is sleeping. Yawning a little Naruto felt a small hand against his leg,

He looked down and saw his youngest son Sora. At his legs. They adopted Sora from Shikamaru's last mission, the child was treated poorly, made a maid kicked and punched when he didn't obey.

He was four and still warming up to Shikamaru but he latched on to Naruto like a lifeline. Naruto didn't mind he had the effect on all children, even eleven years later. The thirty four year old male kindergarten teacher still adored children.

Even though he had four.

"Momma, hungry." Sora wasn't taught anything so Naruto took it upon himself to teach his child how to read and write, and make sure his child went to school with him and was in his class.

He did that with every child.

Mina was the second oldest, Naruto's blood child who was happy and usually bubble. She was ten years old, and Shikadai protected her like he would protect their mother.

Then there was eight year old Mei. Who was Shikamaru's blood daughter, both Mei and Mina happened through surrogate. Their family was complete with Sora.

"I'm almost done cooking, want me to hold ya?" Naruto asked Sora and he shook his head, running to Shikadai.

"Aniki." Sora called as he ran into the living room, Shikadai opened his eyes from the princess movie his sisters decided to put on and felt Sora climb up his leg to sit in his lap. Chuckling a little he wrapped his arms around the boy.

If there was one person Sora might love as much as Naruto it was Shikadai. Sora often snuck his way into his older brothers room, waking the boy who is a light sleeper but never startling him.

"Troublesome Otouto." Shikadai patted the brown haired child, and watched as he smiled and laid his head on his chest.

The girls were quiet the house was quiet and I think that Shikadai didn't develop a bratty teenage attitude because of the amount of care he gave to his siblings.

"Hey Aniki. What's your type?" Mina asked, her brother was sixteen, and he hadn't brought a girl or a boy home. It was strange to the girl because she's watched many movies where the boys and the girls started dating in high school.

"They have to be nice like Momma." Mei chuckled and sighed, leaning into Mina.

"Being nice like Momma is rare, good luck Aniki." Shikadai shrugged, he believed he had already found the one who was similar to momma.

Shikamaru opened the door to his home, he lit a cigarette and saw his four children on the couching watching a Disney movie, somehow all of the siblings gravitated to Shikadai.

Shikamaru hate to say that his children loved Shikadai more than him but he went to sit down next to Mina. Placing the cigarette in the ashtray and asked Mina what movie they were watching.

"Frozen. So this is what happened so far." Mina readjusted to snuggle into her fathers side, explaining the movie and Shikamaru nodded.

"So Elsa did that to protect Anna? But Anna didn't like it." Mina nodded and Shikamaru sighed and kissed his daughter on the forehead and she smiled.

Naruto had finished dinner and made everybody's plate but he only saw his family sitting on the couch watching a movie so he brought out everybody's food one by one and told Shikadai to share his food with Sora before he sat on the other side of his husband and ate his dinner.

It was silent, a movie night with his husband and kids, a rare occasion of everybody being quiet, nobody being chaotic and everybody was fine enjoying their time with their family. Shikadai smiled as the credits rolled and he spoke.

"Inojin is coming over tomorrow." Shikamaru and Naruto smiled and looked at Shikadai as the other kids went to take a bath and put on their pajamas.

"As your best friend or as your boyfriend." Naruto asked softly, he and Ino had bet on the progression of their friendship, and he was hoping that the doctor owed him 1,000 dollars.

"As my boyfriend, we agreed to tell our families tonight." Naruto smiled and the minute Shikamaru was going to say something his phone rang and he smirked and answer it.

"AHAH INO, 1G in my pocket."

"Ugh! Fine better be lucky it's chump change for me!" Ino was heard because she was placed on speaker phone.

"It's not chump change for me, but it's definitely chump change for Shikamaru!" Naruto smiled.

Him and Ino were close, soon they were like inseparable.

"True, anyways come over for wine and invite Hinata. It seems Sai's friend adores her." Naruto took Ino off speaker, kissing Shikadai on his forehead who only wiped his cheek and swore he was too old for affection

"Congratulations, shower and head to bed. Or text Inojin whatever you chose." Shikadai scoffed but smiled at his father who only caught up with his husband who was washing the dishes and gossiping with Ino. Shikamaru sighed and took the phone.

"Call him tomorrow Ino, I'm about to make love to him." Shikamaru hung up the phone and Naruto laughed and he turned the water off and dried off his hands.

"You are the absolute worst. You are lucky I love you." Naruto said and Shikamaru chuckled leading his husband to their shared bedroom away from the kids.

"I love you too, would you indulge a man who fell in love with your happiness and smile. Really the red hair too." Shikamaru said and Naruto smiled.

"Love me in the shower, because you smell like murder." Shikamaru chuckled and let Naruto pull him into the shower.

Oh and if you are worrying about the Sabaku family. Shikamaru was a methodical man, and a man who could draw out suffering for a long time. He kept them hung up, alive and tortured for years, killing them the same day as his families movie night.

So then the family lives happily ever after.


Cute right? I know huh.

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