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"Are you excited? We are heading to the Zoo." Naruto said to his class, they didn't go that week since the school thought it would be a good idea to get the children to a therapist just in case it traumatized any of them. The Zoo trip happened about four months after that, it was about the middle of the school year. Naruto loaded all of the children on the bus.

The class was happy and even closer to one another. It seemed going through that made everybody's friendship grow fonder, and they class was inseparable. The children clapped in reassurance, and Naruto was getting ready to close the bus but the familiar smell of smoke was smelt.

"Ah I made it. Hello class." Naruto looked to Shikamaru confused as to why he was here, until he realized that the kids were supposed to have a police escort. Which meant that Shikamaru's mafia was really aligned with the police.

Naruto doesn't think he could fall even harder for the Mafia leader.

"Hello Mr.Nara." The class greeted and Shikadai smiled.

"I'll be your protector today. So make sure to have fun." Shikamaru said and the class turned back to their friends and Shikamaru sat down and Naruto sat next to him.

"You didn't even tell me you were coming. I would've worn something cuter." Naruto said as the bus started up, and took off. Naruto sat near the isle and Shikamaru was itching for a smoke.

"You don't need to wear anything cute. I was actually asked by a police friend. I couldn't deny him. Plus I like spending time with this teacher." Naruto blushed and smiled.

"Stop, you're going to make me blush." Naruto said all smiley, and Shikamaru scoffed gazing at the happy face of Naruto. He chuckled a little sighed.

"You are a flirt you know that. A shame you are taken." Naruto tilted his head and chuckled. Did Shikamaru think he was taken and that's why he never made a move? Naruto had been ogling and flirting with the dense man for almost six months now. He spent every weekend at his house, cooked meals for him and allowed Shikamaru to see him while he just rolled out of bed in the morning.

When did Naruto have time to see a boyfriend when Shikadai and Shikamaru took up his time.

"You are such a dense genius." Naruto said softly, leaning in closer to Shikamaru and humming a little.

"I'm not taken, I do have somebody in mind. He has an adorable child, and raven hair and calls me cute even when I look like garbage." Naruto smiled softly. Shikamaru tilted his head, his research was never wrong.

"Ugh, I had his name on the tip of my tongue." Naruto tapped his chin, as he looked at Shikamaru.

"You know him actually. He has lazy habits, loves cloud watching with his son, likes the food I make for him, and even smiles when he thinks I'm not looking. Ring a bell." Shikamaru rolled his eyes but then he softly looked at a chuckling Naruto.

He was so cute, and happy. He had a job that made people think of him as a help in this world, where as people think he is a waste for finding a career as a glorified hit man.

He didn't deserve Naruto.

"I don't deserve you." Shikamaru whispered softly, Naruto tilted his head, before he smiled so brightly and wrapped his arms around Shikamaru and placed his head in his chest.

"You are a wonderful man, putting your child above everything else. How could I not fall for a man like that?" Naruto asked before he chuckled.

"Though to be honest." Naruto started smiling as he felt Shikamaru run a hand through his red hair. "It was your looks that drew me in, something about a child loving Mafia leader really turns me on." Naruto whispered and Shikamaru rolled his eyes.

"You are so blunt, Tch." Shikamaru said blushing a little and Naruto smiled as the bus came to a stop, Naruto kissed Shikamaru on the cheek and spoke.

"My boyfriend now. Now Shikadai can finally have a mother." Naruto stood up and looked to his class, Shikamaru stood after he fixed the blush to his cheeks.

"Remember what I said, partner up! Everybody find your partner and be careful." Naruto and Shikamaru's eyes watched as Shikadai was fought over to be a buddy.

"It's crazy how he didn't have friends at first. Now he's the most popular one in the class." Shikamaru said and then he smiled. "Thank you for loving him." Naruto smiled as he felt his heart thump at the compliment before he spoke through his nerves.

"Class, lets ask Shikadai who he want to pair up with. Don't be upset if he doesn't chose you." Shikadai looked to Inojin and they high five.

"Best friends for life!" Inojin said and Shikadai chuckled.

"It's a drag but sure." Naruto and Shikamaru smiled before the children eventually partnered up and headed off the bus. Once they started the tour, Naruto read off the panel and let the kids run up to the cage to look at the animals.

Shikamaru didn't want a career change. Yet kids being absolutely happy like this made him think about having another child, but with Naruto.

He shouldn't think that about somebody he started dating twenty minutes ago.

"It's your favorite animal Chocho. Want a closer look?" Naruto asked the girl who dragged her buddy Sarada to look at the animal.

"I cannot believe you like the sloth." Sarada said and Chocho smiled.

"It's only misunderstood." She said and soon Naruto sat the class down and they ate lunch, Shikamaru and Naruto ate lunch laughing a little until they were greeted with Shikadai. He sat next in between his father and Naruto.

Shikamaru grumbled about being separated from Naruto but Naruto only smiled and ruffled the boys hair.

"You are so cute Shikadai." Naruto complimented the little boy everyday and Shikadai leaned into Naruto and spoke.

"Can I call you mom now?" Shikadai asked and Shikamaru chuckled, and shook his head wondering what Naruto would say.

"Sure." Shikamaru and Shikadai looked surprised.

"Really?" Shikadai looked ecstatic. Shikamaru smiled a little and Naruto nodded.

"Yes, but in class you'll have to call me Mom-Sensei. It's still a classroom." Naruto was hugged by Shikadai and he sighed into the hold.

"I finally have a mom." Naruto hummed softly.

"Thanks for choosing me. Let's be happy for a long time." Shikadai nodded and Shikamaru smiled at Naruto.

He was a blessing to Shikadai, Shikamaru really adores Naruto.


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