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Naruto was on a hill, the wind was blowing and he over looked a grassy area, covered in his favorite flowers. He admired the scenery and ignored the person that walked next to him.

"You have to turn around." Naruto hadn't heard that voice in a while. Since he was a teenage actually, looking over he saw blonde hair that graced his childhood and early teenage years.

"You can't go with me Naruto. I'm heading there, you have to head back to your family." Naruto hugged his father, tears streaming down his face as his father hugged him. His blue eyes held sadness, Minato wanted nothing more than to be with his son, but his son was somebody's mother, he needed to go back.

"I miss you, father I miss you so much." Both men hugged, in a place that was a stopping point between life and death.

"I missed you too, I was sent to urge you back to earth. Your life isn't complete. I'll come back and pick you up when it is." Naruto looked behind but it looked dark, scary.

"I know it's scary." The father told his twenty three year old son. Naruto was easily frightened, not having a good childhood due to Minato being a single parent but he knew his son could do it.

"Your son might be crying to which made Naruto upset. He looked at his father and Minato nodded.

"I approve of him, he is a good man. I actually knew his father. Shikamaru is a good choice. Marry him if you would like, also you might be able to have children. I was able too but I was straight." Naruto nodded, kissing his dad on the cheek.

"I love you." Naruto said and Minato smiled.

"I love you too, don't come back so early." Naruto nodded and ran down the dark path, Minato had cried a little before ascending back to heaven.

Shikadai was crying, he was with his father outside of Naruto's hospital room, the doctor that looked like Inojin was telling Shikamaru that it was up to Naruto to wake up, but the list of things Naruto endured so all Shikadai walked away with was starvation.

He wanted to kill every Sabaku ten times over.

Busted lip, Sprained arm, Starvation, Dehydration. A broken toe, and some type of skin irritation from being drenched in murky dirty water.

"Hey sweetie what's your name? You look a lot like a boy that my little boy is missing dearly?" Shikadai wipes his tears.

"I'm Shikadai Nara, that's my Momma you're working on." The doctor smiled.

"I'm Ino Yamanaka, I'm Inojins momma. How about I bring him to see you, until your momma wakes up?" She said and Shikamaru sighed.

"Yes please. I miss him too." She gave Shikadai a smile and Shikamaru spoke

"Thank you." Shikamaru said and Ino nodded dialing up her husband to bring her child to work. They were about to head to get food but they heard Naruto screaming and nurse telling him to calm down.

Naruto's eyes opened and he ignored the pain, sitting up quickly he looked around the room and didn't see Shikadai.

"SHIKADAI. SHIKADAI WHERE IS HE?" Naruto asked the nurse and she went to place her hand on him but he smacked it.


"Calm down, I can go-."

"SHIKADAI, WHERE ARE YOU HONEY?" Naruto was near tears, was he rescued but not Shikadai? What happened? Why was he even asleep!

"SHIKADAI, SHIKADAI NARA." The door opened and Naruto looked to the door, his eyes softened and he opened his arms.

"Momma, MOMMA." Shikadai ran into Naruto's arms and Shikadai sighed into his chest. Naruto started crying happy tears and Shikamaru walked over to the duo.

"Momma you were sleep for two weeks, daddy didn't sleep, he didn't eat." Naruto's smiled happily.

"I have amazing timing huh?" Naruto's said which made Shikadai and Shikamaru chuckled. Naruto scooted over and tapped the bed. Shikamaru sat down and Naruto leaned into him.

"Tell me what I want to here." Naruto whispered, feeling Shikadai go back to sleep.

"All of them are in jail. I get to torture and kill them. Any objections?" Naruto doesn't usually condone of those methods, and he had to be willing to let them leave, but they were trying to sexually assault his child.

Death wasn't enough.

"No objections, please kill them." Naruto said and Shikamaru laid down with Naruto while Naruto held Shikadai.

"Please tell me, making our child an adult wasn't them sexually assaulting our child." Shikamaru asked softly, pleading in his voice, and Naruto started crying.

"It was. They are sick, and twisted. I wanted to kill them, Shikamaru, Shikadai didn't stop crying for a week. It was heart breaking. They kept trying to separate us, saying his eyes would make them a lot of money! Did you all happen to save children?" Shikamaru nodded and Naruto sighed.

"They'll be scarred, but at least they are free. They ran a child sex service. It's why they kept trying to take Shikadai. Shikamaru im not a violent person but-." Shikamaru tightened his hold on Naruto, calmly breathing. Shikamaru was upset, livid even but he was happy Naruto woke up, and happy his child was safe.

"I love you, I will make sure they will pay for their sins. I will make their deaths violent and wish they prayed they would've never been born." Naruto nodded and the door opened.

"Shikadai! Are you okay." Shikadai seemed to have sat up quickly, looking and seeing Inojin walk in with a man he got his hair type from but he ran to him. The two six year olds hugged and Inojin looked to the bed.

"Namikaze-Sensei. Are you okay too?" Naruto gave one of his children a smile.

"Inojin, Inojin's father can we grab Momma and father some food?" Inojins dad ruffled the Shikadai's hair.

"Call me Sai-San. You both stay here and I'll get Ino to come with me okay?" Inojin nodded and pulled Shikadai to the bed to sit. Naruto and Shikamaru watched as the two kids watched tv and made jokes and Naruto closed his eyes.

"Sensei, are you and Shikadai coming back soon? We all miss you." Naruto laughed and Shikamaru had finally managed to get some sleep.

"As soon as I can come back I will." Ino came in with food, as she looked to her son.

"We have to head home soon, but you can eat dinner with your friend." Inojin nodded and thanked his mother and Ino looked to Naruto.

"Happy to see some fight in you Namikaze-San." Naruto smiled.

"Your child is my student, there's no way I wouldn't come back to teach them." Ino smiled and left the cart there, while Naruto watched the two kids in happiness.


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