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"I have good news class!" Naruto clapped happily, the five year olds looked at him as he sat his cup of coffee down. He hadn't been able to sleep last night. His mind loved the idea of him and Shikamaru going further than what was happening right now.

Awkward glances they gave one another. Smiles they shared, and them both loving Shikadai like their a little family.

Naruto was an avid thinker. Thinking about anything that made him happy and those two made him happy. Shikamaru even got him a room at the house so he didn't have to sleep on Shikadai's floor. Not that Naruto minded being in the room with him, because some nights Shikadai would find his way to his bed anyways.

So he liked or even had a huge crush on that child's father. Yet could you blame him.

"We are going to the petting zoo this Friday. So make sure you give the papers to your parents!" Naruto watched as all the kids cheered and he held a happy smile as Shikadai talked to his friends, Chocho and Inojin. He was happy, and Naruto adored that look on the child.

"So I know we usually start with coloring, but how about we talk about our favorite animal and hope we get to see it at the zoo." Naruto watched as their faces lit up, and Naruto started going down in alphabetical order until it reached Shikadai.

"My favorite animal is a deer. I know its ironic because my name translates to deer, but I really like them because their smart and graceful." Shikadai said and he heard the class applaud him and even said they agree with him.

Reassurance he definitely needed and at this age is perfect.

"Okay! Time for lessons." Naruto concluded after his last student went. He started happily teaching before his door was being opened, forcefully he might add. Naruto quick thinking made him stand in front of the kids as two men with masked walked in.

"Can I help you gentleman?" Naruto asked the men, they looked around the class and spoke.

"We are here to pick up Shikadai Nara." Shikadai hid his face and the classroom of children surrounded him, while Naruto stood in front of them.

"We have protocols, all of which tell you to check in at the front office for picking up the child. You have no right walking in here demanding a child that doesn't belong to either of you." Naruto stood his ground, facing off with the two males.

"You have two seconds to leave before I alert the campus." Naruto said already pressing a button on his walkie talkie, signaling the school that his class was in trouble.

"Just hand over the child and every other child lives." Naruto just stood there, you weren't going to threaten his children in front of him.

"Close you eyes class." Naruto said softly, he could hear tiny sniffles and he smiled.

"No tears class. Everything will be alright. Protect one another okay?" He heard soft and quiet okays, and so he looked back to the people demanding his child.

"Go ahead and try to shoot me or any of these children. I dare you." Naruto said and one male looked at him and tilted his head.

"Well what are you going to do?" Naruto reached in his pocket and unlocked his phone. He called somebody and one guy started shouting.

"You better not be calling the police!"

"Hello?" Naruto smiled when he heard that voice, his cheeks blushing a little and he spoke.

"Nara-San, are you in the area of the school by chance?" Naruto said locking eyes with the men. Since he didn't hear administration coming.

"I actually am, I was going to surprise you and Shikadai with lunch." Naruto gasped and smiled and walked towards the children.

"Did you now? You are the sweetest man on this earth. You didn't have too." Naruto saw the look on the men's face fall into confusion.

Why was the teacher speaking calmly as if this wasn't a hostage situation for a child.

"Of course I did. Anyways is Shikadai okay?" Naruto gasped.

"I'm glad that you asked that! Some men came in here trying to take our child Nara-San. One man had white hair, and the other has orange hair, and they both have tattoos of snakes on their face." Both men froze at the word our, and Naruto could swear he heard Shikamaru step in the gas.

"I'm standing in front of the children who have surrounded our child in a comforting hug, while I have two guns pointing at me. I'm fine, but the five years olds are scared. So if you can get here in about..." Naruto heard a car door slam, and a cigarette lighting. He only waited about two more minutes before his door slammed open and Shikamaru was seen.

"You both have two seconds to leave or I'll have your blood painting this classroom for scaring my child, these kids, and holding somebody dear to me at gunpoint." The two men left immediately while Shikamaru hid his gun, Naruto looked on with stars in his eyes and a calm smile.

Though nobody mentioned it would scar the children more for them to see blood.

"Shikadai, come here." Shikamaru called out, and the kids all opened their eyes, moving off of Shikadai, fixing his hair asking him if he was okay, and the child received so many hugs from his classmates before running to his father.

Shikamaru picked up his child and squeezed him, listening as he cried and said he was so scared while Naruto opened his arms to his other seventeen students and they all ran to him and Naruto sighed.

"You all were so brave, you all did a wonderful job of protecting Shikadai." Naruto let his students lean into him as he pulled out his walker talkie.

"Is my grandmother drunk?" Naruto waited for a reply before hearing a soft.

"Yes, Naruto-Kun." Naruto smile didn't falter but he was upset his children had to go through that.

"Hina-Chan, would you mind coming down and watching my class. Tell Shino-Kun to call all my students parents and tell them to pick up their child and probably keep them until Thursday." Hinata stuttered an okay before she was down in two seconds, corralling the crying kids, wondering what happened, but her niece Tsuba told her auntie what happened and Hinata understood why Naruto was upset.

They were held at gunpoint he asked for help, and didn't receive it.

"I'll meet you at home, I'm sure you have to go back to work. I can watch Shikadai." Naruto said patting Shikadai on hair, watching as he seemed to go to sleep.

"Work can wait, I'll follow you. Where are you going?" Shikamaru said and Naruto tied up his red hair and hummed.

"To curse out my grandmother. The principle of this school."


Can y'all imagine how that went? Anyways hope you enjoyed!


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