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"You've been talking about your teacher a lot young master." Shikadai was excited, he had invited Namikaze-sensei over without telling anybody. His nanny covered for him and he was sure nobody was going to care.

Once his father left for work barely anybody talked to him.

"I really like him. Father seems to like him too." A voice grumbled before turning back to their book. Watching as the young master fussed over his clothes and before he decided to wear something green and black. He headed downstairs when he heard the doorbell ring and his favorite nanny answered the door.

"Ah this is a big house. Shikadai, I brought muffins." In walked Naruto Namikaze in black jeans and a flow like white shirt with sleeves that stopped at his elbow. His hair was up in a ponytail and he placed the muffins on the counter pulling one out for Shikadai.

"What would you like to do? You should really be spending the weekend doing something you love." Naruto said eating the muffin, the world around the young heir froze as they watched somebody so damn beautiful to Japanese standard smile happily at a Shikadai as the Shikadai looks happier than anybody in the room as ever seen him.

"I don't have anybody that will play with me. Father is busy so I invited you." Naruto held out his hand and Shikadai immediately latched onto him.

"Did you tell your father I was coming over?" Naruto asked and the child frowned and looked away, as if he knew he was going to get scolded. Naruto looked to the man who just kept staring at him.

"You. Can you call Nara-San?" Naruto said, it had been a month of him meeting the Nara male and he hated to say it, but that man with the dangerous looks and sexy smile was plaguing his dreams in ways he hadn't thought of anybody before.

Especially a parent to a child he adored like his own.

Naruto was definitely biased though he didn't care. He would raise this child and fuck his father if he could. If Kami allowed him such a destiny.

"Well? Call him." Naruto said watching as the man dialed a number and he took the phone, patting Shikadai on the
head as the child hid his face in his legs.

Naruto waited until he heard the phone click and the man of his dream spoke in a harsh way, but even that made his heart tingle and his member twitch a little

"What the hell do you want you fucking piece of flaming shit! My son better not be injured or somewhere crying or I swear to fucking Kami I'll kill you with my bear hands Natsu." Naruto smiled a little and spoke

"Nara-San, is this a bad time?" The mood of the man drastically change and he seemed to pace before speaking.

"You're in my home, Namikaze-chan?" Naruto smiled and calmed the shaking boy down.

"Shikadai invited me, says nobody plays with him. I love the little boy so I was happy to come over and play with him but I wanted to let you know I was here. Shikadai though it was fine sneaking me in." Naruto said smiling as he heard a laugh.

"He's sneaky, but I can honestly say he loves your company. If you don't mind staying I'm sure he is happy to have you." Naruto chuckled a bit.

"I adore him, or course I'll spend my weekends with him." Naruto said and Shikamaru spoke.

"It doesn't have to be every...."

"Great every weekend it is. See you for dinner Nara-San." Naruto hung up and handed the phone back to Natsu before looking at Shikadai.

"We get to hang out every week. How cool is that Shikadai?" Naruto said smiling, and Shikadai practically beamed.

"Don't forget to thank your dad. So let's go do whatever you want. I have clothes so we can have a sleepover!" Naruto said and Shikadai pulled Naruto along, Naruto held a soft smile and followed after the child.

He loved children.

If only he could have children of his own with Shikamaru. Would Shikadai like a brother or sister? Naruto wanted to give this child happiness.

"Can we paint in the garden? The sky is amazing." Shikadai said and Naruto agreed.

"It's your world honey. I'm just living in it."

Shikamaru couldn't believe he yelled at somebody so kind hearted, though he laughed and didn't even seemed phased and even hung up on him.

He had somebody who adored his son, a child that didn't belong to him but he treated him as he was. Naruto made sure his child didn't hate going to school, and even watched as two of his classmates came to talk to him.

Shikadai has two friends his age, and he was still obsessed with the thought that Naruto could be his mother, and after that call Shikamaru had managed to have that same thought pass his mind if only for a moment.

He was enraptured by the beauty of the teacher. He had a wet dream or two in the last month about the teacher. He was leaving work early to watch his son and the teacher be so happy together as the playground cleared out leaving only those two.

He loved watching them more than anything, happy that his child was finally filling the hole of abandonment. Learning his mother didn't want him effected Shikadai a little, well it effected him a lot and he was happy that the Naruto could help him through that.

So when he managed to get home, he wasn't greeted. His men were long gone and he heard Shikadai's chuckle coming from the kitchen.

"Who taught you how to cook?" Shikadai asked and Naruto smiled.

"My father before he passed away. You know the only thing I got from my father was my eyes. I look like my mom who didn't want me." Shikadai gasped.

"My mom didn't want me either. How do you act so happy? How do you not want to cry from not having a mother?" Naruto hummed softly, placing the food into bowls as he handed them to Shikadai who carried one at a time to the table.

"I use to cry. Kids didn't like me because I only had one parent. I wasn't as strong as I am now, but you know what made me strong?" Naruto tapped the little child on his forehead and smiled.

"My father made me strong. He held me when I cried, and he made sure he showered me with love and affection. However your father is busy saving Japan, so allow me to shower you with love and affection okay?" Shikamaru lit a cigarette and waited until his son was done crying to announce he was home.

"Welcome home, a little birdie told me this was your favorite. Also I'm spending a night." Naruto said placing a bowl of mackerel miso in front of Shikamaru who sighed.

"Thanks for the meal." Shikamaru said as Shikadai leaned into Naruto while eating his food to which made Naruto smile and ruffle the younger boys hair.

"Of course."


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