chapter 9 (final chapter)

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Peeta POV

I am over joyed that she is awake the doctor says she is free to go today I was confused until he said she was cured from her sickness I pull her into a hug and kiss he I am so happy she is with me again. She wants to surprise everyone so we are in the elevator on the way up to the hotel room when she talks "I love you so much peeta thank you for always being there for me you helped me get out of that state." I am shocked how could have I had helped her "I love you even more and no problem." She lets out a small giggle and I pull her closer I press the button on the door bell and speak in to it "can everyone please sit on the couch and haymitch could you please get the door." Haymitch already knows about katniss when he opens the door he comes racing over to her and pulls her into a hug "we where so worried sweetheart." "he don't steal my girl haymitch." I laugh I grab katniss hand and walk in no one is looking they are looking down I cough trying to get there attention but no one looks up "so anyone going to say hi." Katniss says impatiently all the heads shoot up and they all come bolting over to katniss and hugging her we spend the rest of the night laughing and enjoying katniss company again I am just so happy I didn't loose her

*2 years later*

Katniss pov

I still have to get check ups 4 times a year just in case it returns but it hasn't I love life now and I am also pregent with peetas and my 3rd child I sit on the veranda leaning on Peetas shoulder watching the sunset while willow and rye are painting on a piece of paper that is on the floor. I look up to peeta and tell him "I love you peeta. Stay with me." "i love you to" replies he leans down and kisses me I look into his eyes and he tells me "always"


i am truly sorry everyone is probably going to hate me that i skipped time really quickly

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