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A picture is more powerful than a fact.
-Bishop Jeff Arnold

The fact says, "you have a cancer and you'll die" but the picture in your mind says "God will heal you"

It is not enough to have a promise, you got to have a picture.

Israel has a promised but they didn't have a picture.At the end,they didn't reach the promise land.
It is the picture that will help us going to the promise of God.A journey in the wilderness is not easy.It's tiring and sometimes we fall but if you will see the picture,you will have a reason to rise and keep going.

You will not be delivered unless you will have a picture of being delivered.
You will not be bless unless you will see yourself being blessed.
You will not have healing unless you will see yourself being healed.
You will not reach heaven unless you will see yourself being in heaven.


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