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I am not a Christian because it is nice but because it is true.
-Tony Mansinho

Greetings In Jesus Name to my fellow brethren in Christ. I just want to share to you my greatest encounter to God and my living testimony.

I'm an inborn apostolic christian.My parents were both UPC when they got married.Since I was a child my parents taught me alot about God.They told me the do's and don'ts just like I should not cut my hair and I should always be modest in all manner and ways.They taught me the things that are pleasing to the Lord and always told me not to do those things which are don't.In a result, I grew up knowing about God and do things that pleased him also I had been exposed myself in the church.I'm a little potato who's on fire in the Lord. I thought my life would be just a plain valley but my thoughts is not what the Lord thoughts.Until God let me experienced hills in life.That time, I thought that living a life being an inborn christian was a tough.I'm filled with a lot of worldly curiosity.Though I was already baptized In Jesus Name in water and spirit still worldly curiosity hitted me.I was curious and bothered about 'How's life outside?'.Temptation is all around and my curiosity deprived me.Eventually, I started setting my affections in the world.No restrictions and restraints, I just do what is right on my own eyes.I disobeyed God and keep on doing things that which not pleased him but pleased me.I was drowned and had been chain with carnality doings.I'm addicted with mobile games and other entertainment apps.Doing those things was very convenient and it felt like comforting. Unknowingly, I was departed from God.I was also put in a certain season wherein I was hardly pressed.It was my greatest downfall in life.I started compromising the will of God.Yes,I still went to the church together with my family yet I was spiritually backslide.The fire is no more in my heart.I was like a walking mummy covered with white cloth,looking fine yet totally stink inside. I could no longer felt the presence of the Lord and I could really seems that I was a part from him.I was broken and totally lost.

Not until YLTS 2018 came.I was told to be the preaching girl contest representative of our church.I grabbed the opportunity even if myself was not yet fixed.I was thinking for a preaching topic and content with the help of a fellow youth and also with the help of the Lord.I came up with a topic that says "Do you know God? Or you just know something about him".That YLTS event was very memorable and life changing.It was the time that I decided to surrender everything to God and let him controls my life.Then, the fire was set back again in the innermost of my heart.I got a total breakthrough and deliverance.I fully turned back to God and start living right with him until now.Glory to Jesus,alone.

•First,I have realized that it is not hard living for God, it is the easiest thing you could do if you live it right.Living for God is not a burden instead it is the best thing that ever happened to my life.

•Second,knowing about God is different from knowing God.Experiences by other people would know you about God but your personal experience to him will lead you know him.It was the rough season of experienced that I was able to know God in my life.God let the season happened for us to be molded and grow spiritually.Don't avoid season for season will lead you to the greater things.

•Third, never attached yourself to the things that will eventually chained and locked yourself in a cage.Be careful on the things that are convenient and comforting.Abstain yourself from any worldly and carnality things.Even if it sounds enjoyable, if it not pleased God never do it.For we christians are ought to glorify God in all the days of our life.

•Fourth,you could never turn back and fixed up the things you have lost but don't lose yhour faith over what you lost, he is the Lord of what's left.

•Lastly,there will be no change if we don't believe or do anything different.So here's the bottom line: YOU CAN BE THE CHANGE.If it doesn't begin you or me,how can it begin? God has called us to be agents of change

"To be back is better than change."
-Pastor Geneve Alcantara


Note:This is my personal encounter and living testimony to God


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