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Have you observe how miserable the world we're living now? I'm not referring to the physical condition cause by disasters and others.I'm referring to the people who wrongly define Life and misinterpreted it.

•People are busy making money for their physical condition.They spend money for expensive foods and vitamins.They spend time for games.They spend time going to gym,doing some exercise and yoga.It's good, i see no wrongs.

•People are busy bestowing for their mentality and education.They study hard to get high grades.They study hard to become professional someday and to obtain their goals in life. It's good, i see no wrongs.

•People are busy making a sort romance in their lives.Seeking for true love and for a life time partner. It's good, i see no wrongs

I see no wrongs with these things, but does life only focuses on PHYSICAL? MENTAL? EMOTIONAL?
Does life ends here?

We're so stuck on valuing our Physical,Mental and Emotional and have forgotten that Life doesn't roll alone on these three aspects.We have forget that life has SPIRITUAL ASPECT, the unseen things but very valuable and defines eternity.

Our Body will return into dust someday,
Our Intelligence will not last,
Our Emotions fades,

It's our soul that will last and would face the Lord in the Judgement day.Let it Grow and feed it up with heavenly information.

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.
-Romans 8:36


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