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It is not the SIN that causes us to backslide.It is a weak weapon that the enemy used against us.For it is written in Isaiah 1:18 "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your SINS be as scarlet, they shall be as WHITE as SNOW; though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool".No matter how dark our sin is God can turn it white as snow as long as we repent.The thing that causes someone to backslide is when that someone found a certain thing that is CONVENIENT and gives COMFORT.When you are convenient and comfortable with your work and also by doing staffs that are not pleasing to God just like playing online games.You could no longer spend time to God.Eventually, you will be distance to God and will lead you to backslide.

Let us be careful on the things that are CONVENIENT and will give COMFORT.Let us be wiser than the enemy.We are so aware that sin separate us from God and I do believe that the enemy is also aware of that so he  will use the things that are convenient and will give you comfort.

Preached by: Pastor Geneve Alcantara


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