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Today, I have watched the preaching of Rev.Jeff Arnold during BOTT 1993  entitled "Coming out of the cave".It speaks so much to my life since I've been trying to hide myself in a cave.But the Lord speaks to me today saying, "whatever discouragement, circumstances and hurts you've been through in life never hide yourself in a cave and don't let the cave be your comfort zone".Don't let your fear be greater than your faith because if you let it so, the cave where you hide in will become your present.Never stop doing great in your ministry because someone talks bad behind  your back.Never settle for less just because you're afraid of what will others say.You're not doing it for them in the first place.You're pleasing God and not them.

If somehow you don't wanna go for ministry because of fear.If somehow you feel like quitting on what the Lord tries to let you do because you're afraid of being discouraged again.If somehow you settle yourself in a minimal ministry.If somehow you're hiding yourself in a cave.My friend, just wanna tell you IT IS TIME TO COME OUT OF THE CAVE BECAUSE GOD IS ABOUT TO DO GREATER THINGS TO YOUR LIFE!

Go! Go for a 2020 ministry.

What a great message from the Lord.Glory to God.

Ps: I was able to watched the coming out of the cave by jeff arnold during January 01,2020,first day of 2020.I posted this on my facebook and just copy paste this here.


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