Chapter 3

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Next Morning

Oscar: Gah! Why do I have to agree with this!

He said in his annoyance. He and his friends dressing student uniforms are walking to the Ashford Academy as they were assigned by CIA to gather information within the academy. Also, they keep an eyes on a teenage boy named Lelouch Lamperouge that disguise as Zero. Danny said to him.

Danny: Chill out, man. It ain't so bad, besides, we are all in this together. The CIA wants us to inform anything within the academy.

Keshly: Um, is it okay for Chinese coming the academy that filled with Britannian students, both commoners and nobles.

Ling: Heh... I can take on anyone that tries to bully me. I'm a fighter and a hacker too.

Oscar: Okay, okay, okay! Let's focus, guys. We got some job to do.

They behave themselves and focus on the mission.


Lelouch was in the classroom with his friends. They heard they have new students coming here today and they will study here until graduated. His best friend, Rivalz, said to him.

Rivalz: Did you hear, Lelouch? New students from the homeland are coming here to study with us. Isn't it great!

Lelouch: It's like every day, Rivalz. New people from either the homeland or the Areas they live in come to study here like everybody else. It doesn't bother me anyway.

Rivalz: Sheesh. Talking about excitement.

Shirley: Hey guys, I feel like they're here.

Rivalz: Huh? How do you know that?

Shirley: I'm just saying they're here, that's all.

She said truthfully. A teacher comes to the room as she said.

Female Teacher: Class, I like to meet new students coming today.

The door opens to see Oscar and the others entering the room. The students are murmuring about new students coming this school in unexpected. A teacher just said.

Female teacher: Would you like to introduce themselves?

Oscar: Yes, ma'am.

He faces at the students in the classroom as he introduced himself.

Oscar: I'm Oscar Martinus and I come from the homeland of the glorious empire of Britannia.

He said as he tried to keep his temper down due to hatred of corrupt nation. The others are next to introduced themselves.

Keshly: I am Keshly Faustus from Area 3. Pleasure to meet you all.

Danny: I'm Danny H. Wright from... the homeland as well. It is pleasure to meet you.

He said, trying to be Britannian like he was belong, but never forgetting to retake North America as his former glory of American home. Some of the girls find pleasure to meet a young buff boy while some of the boys are feeling jealous.

Ling: I'm Ling Liu. it is an honor to meet you.

She said. They are some students questioning about a Chinese girl attending the academy. Lelouch and the others are find curious of why Chinese teenage girl comes to Ashford Academy if Chinese Federation hold hostility to Holy Britannian Empire. Kallen was also curious of why A Chinese girl come to this school if she can attend it at her country. A teacher just said.

Female Teacher: Okay, that's enough today. You four can take the seats.

Oscar and the others went to their seats. Once they take the seats, the students are starting the lessons for today.

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