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There are times when life gets too hard, and it feels like it's the end.

But that doesn't have to be true. That doesn't have to be your story.

Each of us can take control of how our story gets told; how it will eventually end.

While there are times when everything is overwhelming, I know I can choose to keep fighting.

Your struggles don't have to lead to your end. You can use your experiences to help others; to give others hope. Share your story, speak out and let others know that they're not alone.

That's why I wrote this book. To let others know that they're not alone in their troubles. Having Borderline Personality Disorder is hard, but isn't the worst thing in the world. Depression, anxiety, PTSD... it slows us down, but doesn't immobilize us.

Having a mental illness doesn't have to be our end. We can take control of our path, and make it our new beginning.

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