The Last Text

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I'm so so sorry oh my god... I went on a hiatus for this book that lasted way longer than I originally thought it would... I'll ramble after the chapter. Enjoy!

I knew I would have to keep portraying myself as the 'happy go lucky Hinata' everyone knows and not this monstrosity.

(Hinata's POV)

While I was still resting at home, Kageyama came by to check up on me and Natsu let him in. "Hinata, can I come in?" 

"Yeah." I say, shakily. I silently curse myself for my weak voice. The door opens slowly, creating a creaky noise as I am met face to face with my boyfriend.

"Damn, you do look like a mess," He walked up to me and pushed his forehead against mine, causing me to blush. He lets out a sigh of relief before speaking again, "Thankfully you don't have much of a fever." 

"That's good. So I can continue practicing by tomorrow?" I ask him eagerly with puppy dog eyes. He nods with a tint of pink spread across his face. 

"Yeah," he nods back, but continues, "We have a practice game with Aoba Johsai next week, so we should start to perfect our quick around the edges. Coach Ukai said that we'll need to start adjusting to different scenarios a bit better."

Silence overwhelmed us after he said that. While I was a bit excited about the practice game, I knew how useless I was in games and wouldn't be able to do anything good.

You're useless..

You can't even play right

All you do is screw things up

I had to strain myself in order to not cry in front of Kageyama. Sadly, a couple tears leaked out and didn't go unnoticed by the boy.

"You didn't just ditch school because you feel sick, right? There were more bullies, weren't there?" I look up at him, a bit shocked.

"Heh, you got me.." I chuckle weakly.

"Were there other bullies? What were their names?" Kageyama kept pressing forward with the questions.

"You don't have to get involved, it's fine!" I persist until we start yelling at each other.

"I'm your boyfriend! I have a right to get involved!" he refutes back. I shut up and hug him tightly, sobbing quietly. "I'm sorry..." I hear him mumble.

"No, it's not your fault.." I respond and sniffle a bit.

We sit there for a while until falling asleep, the tears now dry and the sun now set.


It's been five whole months since the incident. We dealt with the bullies WITHOUT violence. (Kageyama I'm talking about you T_T) And have not been bothered by anyone. They all seemed to move on to something else which was good. Everyone now supported Kageyama's and I's relationship. We were almost perfect for each other is what the team said. 

I smiled as the sound of the whistle went off, signaling yet another point for our team. I was out of my depressive state after a month or two of therapy from Sugawara. He really was the mom of our team.

Asahi served yet again, but this time the opposing team caught it, setting up a powerful spike but Tsukishima blocking it. The crowd cheered and my smile grew wider, thinking of how fun volleyball actually is.

'Just one more point...' I think after glancing at the scoreboard. Kageyama and I lock eyes and he winks at me. A light blush appears on my face but I quickly shake it off, knowing exactly what this means. I nod and we get into position, with Asahi doing one more serve.

Asahi serves, the opposing team catches it, spikes it back, and Daichi dives to receive it. The ball is in the air, floating like a cloud. It seemed as if everything was in slow motion. I could see everyone's look of determination to win this. Kageyama's eyes were focused on the ball, and the ball only. It was quite admirable that he could have such focus. I think of this as I jump up, preparing for a minus-tempo attack that would win us the game.

Kageyama sets it up and the ball is now in reach to hit it, but I don't. I wait for the perfect time to do so. Not yet... not yet... Now!!!

Time goes back to normal speed and the ball has already face planted in to the floor. The final whistle is blown and our team is shouting out of excitement.

"We did it Kageyama!" I look up at him; neither of us grown any taller over the few months.

"Yeah," he replies. 

After our game, we all headed to our homes. I undressed and got into more comfy clothes. When I hopped into my bed, I heard a small buzzing sound coming from my phone.

I grabbed it and pressed the power button. A message from Kageyama. I opened it.

Kags❤: Good job today.

I smiled at the message, my cheeks flushed a light pink. I powered off my phone, set it on my bedside table, and fell asleep.

A/N: So that's the end! Again, I'm so sorry for taking that break. That was completely my fault and I recognize it. At least I got the chapter out though, so that's great. I enjoyed writing this fanfiction and learning about the way the characters act while writing about them. I'm so glad I got to write this! Thank you for reading!!!


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