A Depressed State

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Little would I know, there would be people coming out of the shadows who would hurt me in a worse way then how Tsukishima did.

(Hinata's POV)

After that little arc of drama, everything seemed to go back to normal. Seemed to are the key words.

"Ne, you're Hinata, right?"

I turned around to see a boy in the shade, one of those typical 'edgy bad guys' you would see in movies. Since there was no reason to lie, I nod. The boy in the shadow chuckles and begins to stride forward with confidence in his step. "Seems like all the drama has ended... for now."

I groan in annoyance, "Go find someone else, thank you have a nice day." In those type of situations, I would grow cocky and square up. At this point and time, I was just done with this school. All the drama just aggravated me and I didn't want to deal with it anymore. I didn't need some other person in my life who would just screw things up.

"You look pretty weak. Perfect for a beat down." He pushed his fist into his other hand. It was quite true though. Volleyball was where I was talented, not fighting and punching.

So that day, I went home with scratches, fist marks, and a bloody nose. I went straight to my bed, without bothering to look at any of my messages. I just felt empty inside. Everything was going wrong.


"You are weak! I thought you would try to refute it or stand up for yourself, but no! You're completely worthless and just a f*g like the rumors said!"

-Flashback End-

A tear shed down my face. Two mini me's appeared before me. One had a halo above his head and pure white wings. The other had devilish horns and blood red wings.

"No.. He's not that weak!" The one with the halo claimed. The devil me scoffed and refuted it.

"But he just got beat up."

"It's just an unfortunate situation!" The angelic me was persistent with being positive. The devilish me seemed quite annoyed at him.

"Did he fight back? No. Has he been bullied before? Yes. Has he done anything about that before either? No." The angelic me looked at a loss for words. He knew the devilish me had won that fight.

The two mini me's suddenly disappeared in which I was stranded by myself. Life was too much. Bullying was too much. I couldn't take it anymore! "Agh!" I screamed into my pillows so nobody would hear. My fist found its way to my face and I continued to punch myself. I'm so dumb and worthless... Why was I even accepted to play volleyball in the first place? I barely do anything. After all, I'm just a f*g. The only thing I've brought upon the team is trouble because of my mistakes. I should just.... d..is..a..p..ea...r

I woke up the next morning, still feeling empty from last night. I didn't feel like doing anything, or going anywhere. I pull out my phone and message Kageyama.

You: Hey Kageyama, I woke up today not feeling so great. Can you please tell the team I have to miss out? I really wanted to go today... >^<

Kags❤: Oh sure. You better get well fast or else we can't perfect our new quick.

I give a weak smile that reflected on my phone screen. I know he's probably worried and it just made me feel even worse about skipping. I was just a burden on everyone and caused unneeded worry. So yes, I would need to work hard on both my volleyball skills and acting. After all the bullying, I wouldn't be healing for a while so I knew I would have to keep portraying myself as the 'happy go lucky Hinata' everyone knows and not this monstrosity.

A/N: I don't like to see Hinata like this but hey, you never know what people are like in the inside. I wanted to display that in this chapter. Also, about the update from 5 days ago, I'm still working out the issue with my friends. Things are still in a tough spot for me but I'll work hard to keep updating! One last thing: thank you all for 1k reads! It made my day!

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