Surprise, Surprise

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Tanaka grabbed my phone, but stopped doing whatever he was going to do.

"Tanaka, what's wrong?" I stood on the tips of my toes to see what he was staring at.

It was a message. From the same number on my arm.


(Hinata's POV)

"That's the number, right?" Tanaka pointed at the message that popped up as a notification. I hesitantly nodded at him and glanced back at the screen.

???: Hello

I snatch my phone from the taller boy and text back quickly.

You: hi you're my soulmate right?

???: yeah

???: how old r u?

Tanaka has a smirk on his face as I respond. Noya comes up behind us both and joins Tanaka in their smirking.

You: I'm 16... never got the chance to text you

???: oh im turning 16 in December

You: cool!!!! :D

You: I turned 16 in June

???: nice

Coach Ukai then yelled at us to get back to practicing.

You: gtg see ya!

???: same bye

I found it a little funny how we both had to leave at the same time, but focused on putting my device away to go listen to the coach.

After practice was over, we all went home for the night. I went right back to texting my soulmate.

You: hey im back

Soulmate❤: o hey

Soulmate❤: i also got back from volleyball practice

You: u play volleyball???

Soulmate❤: uh yeah

You: so do i!!!

So they were on a volleyball team, too! That explains a lot about how they would be my soulmate! Texting this person was much more exciting than I initially thought it would be!

I spent the rest of the night texting my so called soulmate before falling asleep.

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