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(Hinata's POV)

I should've known he was at least a suspect. My anger continues to rile up as he keeps talking, "At first I didn't want to go through all the effort to make you two's status revealed to the whole school. But after realizing how funny the outcome may be, I decided to put in some effort."

I felt my hand scrunching up into a fist. I hate him so much.. I had to tell Sugawara so for the time being I pretended to be fine. The situation was something I just couldn't abide during my frustrated state of mind.


"So it was Tsukishima behind it? I'll tell Daichi about him." I nodded in response. Kageyama sat beside me, biting his lip, just as angry as I was. 

"Ne Kageyama.. I think after a while, people will start to mind their own business since they have a future to think about because we're in high school." I attempt to reassure him even while I was trying to relax a bit myself.

"Would hope so.. We've been saying all this time though. And what has that done for us? Nothing." Kageyama seemed in a pretty bad mood, though I can't blame him.

So, for the next few weeks of volleyball practice, we practiced with one less blocker. The day finally arrived where he came back from suspension and being kicked from the club. 

Tsukishima was supposed to apologize to us, so when the time arrived I was a bit excited. This was a one in a lifetime chance for Tsukishima to apologize! He would never do such a thing out of his own will.


"I'm sorry." he mumbled, while not looking either me nor Kageyama in the eyes. I sighed, this was the best we could get out of someone as stubborn as him.

Practice started shortly afterwards and though it was a bit quiet with Tsukishima's appearance yet once more, people like Noya and Tanaka were there to brighten the mood quite a bit. The two of them can be a bit of a burden from time to time but can be valuable too.

I'm glad that I know such a large variety of people. Even if they are kinda mean and rude. But little would I know, there would be people coming out of the shadows who would hurt me in a worse way then how Tsukishima did.

A/N: Omg omg omg omg I'm soooo sorry for the wait! I've just had somethings going on in my life that I haven't been able to keep up with this! 

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