FF: Part Six

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Five o'clock found Gideon and Melody in the middle of the Spring Fest, holding onto assorted prizes and stuffed animals from winning carnival games. Melody had long-ago decided (really only about ten minutes ago, but to Gideon it had felt forever) that they should probably be heading back to the Mystery Shack soon; it was almost dinnertime for the Pines and for Melody as well.

Gideon wasn't upset in the slightest when Melody told him - true, the fair was awesome, but he couldn't wait to see Pacifica again and give her the duck-panda-thing they had won for her. It had been a long day full of fun, he decided, and all good things come to an end eventually.

So with their many things in hand, the two started for Melody's car. But just as they arrived at her car, the loudspeaker turned on and with it announced Gideon's name.

"Will Gideon Pines come to the Farm Animal Tent?" the loudspeaker said, echoing throughout the fair. "I repeat, will Gideon Pines come to the Farm Animal Tent?"

Melody gave him a look of surprise. "Did you win something we forgot about?"

"I guess so?" Gideon shrugged.

The two quickly put their prizes into the car first and then headed over to the farm animal tent. Ooh, maybe they'd be able to see the pigs again and they could say goodbye to them - they had been so cute -

As soon as Gideon and Melody entered the tent with the farm animals, a man dressed in a straw hat and a denim jacket and, oddly enough, holding a chicken, and was standing by the chicken coops.

"Are you Gideon Pines?" the man asked when he noticed Gideon and Melody.

Gideon nodded. "Yep."

The man grinned. "Then congratulations, Mister Pines!" he announced. "You won the raffle!"

Gideon tilted his head. "What raffle?"

"The one for the free chicken! You entered that, right?"

Many things entered Gideon's head at once.

First came the realization of oh yeah! He HAD entered that contest but then completely forgot about it because then he'd seen good old Frank the Pig. But then came the other realization of oh my gosh I won a chicken wow -

So Gideon nodded yes, and he took the chicken into his arms and stared at it curiously. "This is mine?"

"Sure is," the man said. "Now, do you want that or not? I have other raffles to -"

"No, I want it!" Gideon interrupted.

"You do?" Melody sounded surprised. "Is this chicken meant for cooking, or -"

"No!" Gideon held the chicken away from Melody. "Don't cook him!"

"Her," the man corrected.

"But what is your aunt going to -"

But Gideon didn't pay any attention to Melody. Instead, he patted his chicken on the head.

"Seems like you want it. Enjoy your chicken." The man tipped his hat towards the two and picked up a microphone. "Alright - Sally Meyers!" he called into the microphone.

Gideon turned to Melody. "Let's go now," he said happily.

Melody stared at the chicken. "You're really going to bring that chicken home with you?"

"Yeah! It's my new pet." Gideon hugged the chicken, smiling. "Wait until Paz sees this!"

 "Wait until Paz sees this!"

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