MI: Part Ten

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Gideon felt like someone had socked him in the stomach.

Pacifica bent over, clutching her sides. A million thoughts whirled around in Gideon's mind - was she okay? She couldn't be, the ghost had just gone inside her - maybe the ghost would realize that it was all a mistake, and that he should really get out of Pacifica's body -

Suddenly Pacifica let out a laugh.

"Pacifica?" Ford said, sounding worried.

"I'm sorry," Pacifica said sweetly. Except it wasn't Pacifica's voice. "I don't think you have the right person."

The voice gave Gideon a chill that shivered up his spine, and his eyes widened in horror.

The ghost had possessed Pacifica.

Pacifica straightened, her eyes glowing a light blue and her irises and pupils gone completely. She grinned such an evil grin that Gideon never wanted to see his cousin make that face again.

Gideon shrunk back.

Pacifica examined her arms. "It's not a Gleeful body, but it'll do."

"Get out!" Gideon yelled, taking a step forward before being yanked back by Robbie. "Get out of her body!"

Pacifica cocked her head, turning to face him. "I've been waiting too long, you brat," she said. "I'm not getting out."

Gideon sincerely hoped that she would never ever call him a brat again.

"We gotta get out of here," Robbie said suddenly.

"But Pacifica!" Gideon protested. "I can't leave her!"

"Gideon, we need to get out. Ford will take care of it." Robbie glanced up, and then he hurried over to Wendy and the twins. Gideon could only watch his cousin sneering, facing Ford with a look that should never have appeared on her face.

Suddenly someone was dragging him away from Pacifica. Gideon tried to squirm his arm out of someone's grasp - Wendy's grasp, he realized - but her grip was strong.

"Come on." Wendy sounded irritated.

"We can't just leave her there!" Gideon tried to push Wendy away, but to no avail.

"We need to get out of here," Wendy said, scowling.

"We need to save Pacifica!" Gideon cried.

"We need to hide, you brat -"

Suddenly something hit Wendy's back with a thwap, and she stiffened.

Gideon slowly looked up.

Wendy was dissolving into mist.

Gideon stared in horror as Wendy disappeared. He was rooted to the spot, unable to look away from the spot that she had just been standing.

"Gideon, what -" Robbie poked his head around the corner of the Shack. "Where's Wendy?"

Then Gideon realized what was lying on the grass by the porch stairs - a phone.

He picked it up and turned it on - and immediately shrunk back.

"In here," he said in a strained voice, sounding small and pointing to the phone's screen.

Robbie's jaw dropped.

Wendy was stuck inside her phone.

"Wendy?" Robbie snatched the phone from Gideon's grasp. "What - how -"

"You like that, Corduroy?" Pacifica yelled a few feet away.

"Get out of her body!" Ford shouted, lunging for Pacifica but missing as she disappeared into mist.

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