SBP: Part Two

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"You're sure you have free tickets?" Melody asked suspiciously.

Opening night at the Tent of Telepathy was apparently a big deal. There was a huge line that Gideon, Melody, and Robbie were currently standing in the middle of, and everyone had been surprised when Gideon had burst into the living room with news earlier that day - he had free tickets to the Tent of Telepathy!

Preston and Priscilla had exchanged surprised looks. Pacifica had leapt from her spot on the couch, excited and amazed - until her parents told her firmly that she wouldn't be going.

"What?" Pacifica had cried. "But Gideon's going!"

"You know what we should do?" Priscilla joined her daughter, putting an arm around Pacifica's shoulders. "We should go on a hike. I'm sure there'll be another opportunity for you to do something with your cousin. Besides, the show is as fake as the creatures in the Shack."

Pacifica crossed her arms, staring at the floor.

"You can pick something from the gift shop, if you'd like," Melody offered. "I'm sure Ford won't mind."

"I guess," Pacifica had grumped.

"So!" Priscilla hugged her daughter. "Hike it is!"

And so, around six-thirty that evening, Melody, Robbie, and Gideon drove off in Melody's car while the rest of the Pines left on an evening hike in the forest. Gideon tried to make her feel better before he left by saying that at least the bracelet she picked was nice (Pacifica had chosen a lilac braided bracelet with a small llama charm in the center and two beads on either side).

As it turned out, the Tent of Telepathy was a huge deal. A line stood from the tent's entrance to about halfway from the parking lot, and still more people were joining the line. The group of three hurried over to the line as quickly as possible, so as to not be last in line.

Gideon felt bad about his cousin not being able to go, but he tried to be positive and said that maybe she could come along another time! He even offered to stay home and give up his tickets, but his aunt and uncle quickly intervened and told him to enjoy himself. They would find another thing to do with Pacifica, they informed.

"Yes, I'm sure," Gideon clarified, glancing at the line in front of him. He still felt bad about Pacifica not being able to go - she had really wanted to. "I still feel bad about Pacifica, though."

"She can probably come another time," Robbie suggested.

"Hopefully," Gideon agreed.

Neither of the three spoke for some time, until, at last, it was their turn to purchase and hand in their tickets.

"I have money just in case," Melody said, still suspicious. "You're sure you have free tickets?"

"Yep," Gideon announced. "I'll take care of it."

And with a puffed-out chest, he marched over to the ticket booth and said, "We have free tickets. Mabel Marvelous sent us."

The teen frowned. "How do you know Mabel Marvelous?"

Shoot. He didn't know her -

"Sorry about that," Melody apologized, getting her purse out. "I can pay -"

"There you are!"

Gideon whirled around; his eyes lit up. The girl from the bulletin board was running to the trio, pushing past people and dressed up rather nice (at least, for a show. Everyone else was wearing casual clothes). She stopped in front of Gideon, panting and dusting off her dress.

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